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GoOglE AffiLiaTe - Work Make Money Safely

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3 Tips to instantly boost your Affiliate Profits

Tip 1. "Capture leads of your webpage visits" - If you are not capturing your site visits you are throwing away a lot of money as well as loosing money in buying traffic.Infact at times capturing leads of 5 potential visits is better than making 2 instant sales.You would realize this when you do more research on client behaviour.

Visitors visiting your website may not land up on it again, you are actually missing out on a potential customer.To counter this there are few evoled methods to capture visits coming to your site.
Capturing a lead actually means having the name and email address of the person who is interersted in my website's offerings.

Tip 2. "Using Autoresponders" - Use autoresponders for your subscribers by sending them followups and more information about your target market.This way you build a rapport and finally making sales.Autoresponder is one of the most powerful tool in affiliate marketing, all you have to do is setup your follow up messges the rest is done by the software. Aweber is a very good option as an autoresponder.

Tip 3 - "Stand out of the crowd". Don't use the same banner ad copy, adcopy, ezines and other tools provided by the publisher.Always try and be different while promoting the product.This is where the successfull affiliates stand out by presenting the product even in a better format than the owners.
Write your own ads, use your own graphics and your own sales letter( Only do it if you are confident enough to make a better sales letter than the one provided by your publisher).

Article Source: -- Free Articles, Free Web Content

Chris Basu has created and set up multiple Affiliate Auto-pilot Income machines,2006-2007.For a very limited time you can download his FREE report " TheSuperAffiliateReport - " where he reveals "11 Super Affiliate secrets you can use to help you make those extra 1000s of dollars you thought never existed".

Choosing market and product for Affiliate Marketing

Why should you decide to fail in exploring the affiliate marketing chances
when you can easily know the proven strategies to make good affiliate profits.

Before you plunge into Affiliate marketing, you need to know the facts and
strategies about Affiliate Marketing else you will end up loosing oodles of
time and money trying to make a 30% share selling one single product.

To start your affiliate marketing career with ease, I suggest you to know the
techniques which is going to show results.Improvise on them to get more results
with less input.You need not be creative, but work along the lines of proven

So what are the aspects you should consider before starting out in promoting a
product in the market ?

First and foremost, analyzing your target market and the product value. Well
before you even think of making affiliate profits you need to boil down to a
target market which suits you,your knowledge and sentiments .Incase you have
not yet decided on your target market yet, which is one of most important part
of being successful online you should consider the following conditions

- A market which you have been a part of you earlier.( You were looking for the
solution yourself earlier, and now have it)
- A market which has relation to the special skill you have
- You should consider you passion/ your specialty / your ability to reach a
particular group of like minded visitors

"Your objective is to connect the mass of like minded people to the solutions
they are looking for in the form of Affiliate products available to you"

Choosing a Product :

This is as sensitive as the market itself, choose your product carefully.
Follow the key points while choosing a product :

1. An excellent product. The product should be unique in some way and
compelling to your target market.
2. A high commission rate provided it being a good quality product.
3. Choose a product that could have back end sales possibilities.
4. Always choose more than 8 products, and boil down to the best one
considering its uniqueness, demand, how much of a problem solver it is and the
target market to pitch the product.
5. Promote the chosen ( best) product having 7 other products for back end

Article Source: -- Free Articles, Free Web Content

Chris Basu has created and set up multiple Affiliate Auto-pilot Income machines,2006-2007.For a very limited time you can download his FREE report " TheSuperAffiliateReport - " where he reveals "11 Super Affiliate secrets you can use to help you make those extra 1000s of dollars you thought never existed".

Affiliate Marketing Strategies - Secrets Revealed

One of the most efficient forms of today’s internet marketing is the affiliate marketing, and this article is designed as an affiliate marketing tutorial. This is mainly because many people know that money can be earned online, but they don’t know exactly how to do that. For many, affiliate marketing may be the answer, as it requires less effort, having an own product to sell isn’t mandatory, and it can bring reasonable profits.

Definition: Affiliate marketing is the action of referring your visitors to a merchant’s website, and getting a commission out of that merchant’s sales if the buyer was a person you referred. Although it can be done even without having a website of your own, it is better if you design one. Choosing an appropriate field for you, doing some quality research and finding good affiliate programs are all very important processes, which have to be dealt with a lot of involvement and perseverance.

And first thing’s first. Before you actually build your website, you have to think about how it is going to look, what it’s going to be about. Just sit down and start a brainstorming process. It is recommended you organize everything well, and write everything down. Find a subject you feel confident about, and start taking notes about the competition, affiliate programs, everything. You have to think of it as a serious project, and every good project needs a good sketch.

Now, once you’ve made your sketch, start designing your website accordingly. Buy a domain, preferably a .com one, because these are the ones that people trust the most. Now, if you are not a programmer, then you should hire one for designing your website according to your specifications. Even though it’s going to cost you some money, if you do it right, that amount should come back as profits multiplied many times.

Your website should look professional, the hallmark of a person who knows what he’s talking about. You should respect your visitors with quality content, if you want this internet marketing strategy to be successful. And although this affiliate marketing tutorial tells you what to do, it ultimately depends on you if it is going to work or not.

Now, once you’ve designed the site, it’s time to get some traffic in. There are many online marketing tactics to do that, and you could also consider hiring a Search Engine Optimizer to get you high ratings on Google searches for your site. If you can’t afford one, don’t lose hope, because there are many SEO tutorials available on the web. You can catch on a few of these important SEO techniques and try to do it yourself. Apply al this information to your sketch and continue working on your project.

Now that you’ve managed to get a decent amount of traffic to your site, it’s time to introduce you to the new term, which is conversion rate. The conversion rate shows you how many of your visitors actually click on the links of your affiliate partners and buy something from them. Taking into consideration that you don’t have a product of your own, your approach in increasing your conversion rate should be pre-selling. What do I mean by “pre-selling”? Let’s put it this way. The content of your site is the one which actually forwards your visitors to your affiliate partners’ links. I mean, if you have a very high quality content site, your visitors will unknowingly be much more open-minded about visiting the links you display. Keeping in mind that you don’t actually have a product of your own, it’s better not to have an aggressive looking page or your visitors will exit immediately. Also, choose the best affiliate partners in your field, and don’t try to put so many links on your page. You need 3 or 4 quality partners at the most.

The rest is history. With a lot of involvement, professionalism, dedication and a little bit of luck, you can design a site which has the potential of being your cash machine. Once the whole mechanism starts to work, you don’t have to do anything as it will run by itself. OK, maybe a few adjustments from time to time, but nothing too complicated. With the hope that this affiliate marketing tutorial has shed some light on the subject, grab a pen and design your sketch!

One of The Most Startling, Confidential, and Talked About Money MakingInternet Marketing Strategies Ever Compiled In One Book May Now Be Available To You!

Joint Venture and Affiliate Tips Every Internet Entrepreneur Should Know

Whether you are new to the Internet business world or a seasoned professional, joint ventures are a powerful way to increase your business presence, reputation, and income. Therefore, many Internet entrepreneurs seek out joint venture partnerships to get their business rolling or improve their earnings from a last year.

One common question about Joint Ventures is where can you find these opportunities? One option is to log onto ClickBank at ClickBank is the Internet’s leading retailer of digital products. You can search for your niche and find products that relate to your niche. If you are satisfied with the products then you can contact the creator of the product to set up a Joint Venture partnership.

However, you may find that all the products in your niche on ClickBank are of low quality. They are so low quality that you feel promoting these products would tarnish your reputation in your niche. What should you do? Create a product of your own! The presence of low quality products demonstrates the need for a better product. You can create this product and crush your competition in the process.

What product should you create? You can create a book or eBook. It may seem like a daunting process, but is in fact easy. You can create an audio of the contents of the book and then turn this content into a book or eBook.

Why should you create a new product? One reason is tat you will be selling your own product and will take all the profit instead of a 50-50 split in a Joint Venture partnership. Meanwhile, you will have other Internet entrepreneurs clamoring down your door asking to start a Joint Venture with you.

Now let’s take a look at affiliates. The big question about affiliates involves figuring out ways to get people to sign up to be your affiliate. The sad fact about many affiliates is that they don’t really sell any of your products. Either the incentive is not high enough to constantly promote your product or they just simply won’t put forth the effort. Therefore, many times you won’t make much money from affiliates.

However, there is a way to conquer the low sales through affiliates. The key is to get your affiliates involved. People love to be a part of something and are more apt to promote your product if they are invested in the entire process.

For example, let your affiliates know that you have a new product coming out. Let them know explicitly what your goals are for this product. Also provide a specific date of when the product will be launched. Enroll people into your idea so they sign up as affiliates and sent out an email for your product. You need to put a deadline or date; otherwise affiliates won’t take the initiative to sell your product. Running a contest is also an effective way to garner affiliates.

Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine's e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at or

Keys to Finding Niche Internet Markets ( google affiliate )

Finding an internet market is easy. Finding a niche internet market that is PROFITABLE can be a bit more difficult, but actually quite simple when you understand what you are doing. The world of internet marketing and niche marketing is so vast that over 90% of internet marketers spend weeks and even months on the wrong market, only to find out after great investments of time and money, that there is nothing profitable to be made. So pay close attention as I reveal the secrets to finding a niche internet market to profit from.

There are thousands of ways to find your own niche internet market. Search some popular keywords using popular search engines such as Google, yahoo, and msn, get a feel for what other people are doing on the web. You could also always get to a Barnes & Noble or library looking for some common applicable book genres. Personally, I've done both of these methods when I first began developing my own internet marketing campaign, and these were the most time consuming and inefficient appropriation of funds I've ever experienced. People have said to "go for a market you have passion about". Well that will get you just about no where, because if something is popular or personal to you, it still may not sell well at all. And that is the whole point of getting into the internet market, to sell.

I use two powerful tools to find wealth building niche internet markets that you may have never seen before.

1) - The endless supplier of niche internet markets. This e-powered affiliate marketing empire contains over 10,000 information programs you can promote for strong commissions. With so many niches at your fingertips its remarkable. This is the number one place to find hot niches to promote and prosper from.

Its completely free to sign up for an account, and they pay out checks bi-weekly, the 1st and 16th of every month. Go here to sign up for free: then browse the infamous clickbank marketplace. You have free reign on these programs, from topics such as home based business opportunities, make money online, sports & recreation, home & family, Society & culture, and many more. With over 10,000 legitimate business opportunities, the only trouble you'll have is deciding how many profitable niche markets to use.

But the greatest reason to go here is this: you are not selling anything as an affiliate, and all goods are information products. What does this mean, well for one you never have to process shipments of actual packages. No hassle of the post office, shipping supplies, and annoying returns, just simple instant access information based products that created a whopping $1 trillion dollar industry last year alone.

2) - The cash auction machine. Ebay is one of the greatest ways to start getting into internet marketing and finding strong niche markets. This is where I personally began my online endeavors, selling all sorts of retail products, to health foods, to agricultural supplies and the money can really start to come in.

Personally, I find the selling of products so much more time consuming and un-cost effective that it would take 10 times longer to develop wealth selling tangible products as apposed to information products. But don't get me wrong, ebay is a great place to get started and learn how to find some hot niche internet markets.

Go to and when you get there click "all categories" or "see all categories". From here you can begin to delve into the ebay internet marketing world, with info on what is selling and how many products are being sold in each specific category. The trick is to find something specific, so you will need to browse some major categories. Instead of sporting goods, as a broad genre, get more specific with something like "men's tennis racquets" or "female sports attire". Within sports, for example, you can find hundreds of niches, so imagine when browsing all categories.

Now you have some valuable information that you will find useful in your hunt for niche internet markets. Keep your options open and do research before getting involved in any program.

For reviews of the webs best clickbank and ebay opportunities go to this source:,secrets

Having your own product makes affiliate marketing successful.

Having your own product makes affiliate marketing successful.

Did I hear you say that these are not your products? These are somebody else's? Well, well, they say that there is a thin line dividing success and failure. And they also say that it's all in the mindset. I strongly believe in these statements. Together they mean that a subtle change in the thinking pattern can transform failure into success. Affiliate marketing or MLM network marketing has provided earning opportunity to scores of people. By all indications this form of market promotion is here to stay for a long time. When an affiliate tries to sell a product for some one else, why would or why should people believe him? What will project him as a person whom people can trust? Many of the affiliate programs give their affiliates web pages with affiliate links. These can be pages for sales, memberships, or simply for information. An affiliate can display these pages by various means. He remains in the background and hopes that these pre-made web pages will attract people to take a desirable action. While this approach works in many cases, much better options are available in MLM network marketing or affiliate marketing. What I am discussing further is for those who have decided to stay in network or affiliate marketing business for longer term and who wish to make a difference by their own efforts. How can an affiliate influence decisions of his prospective customers? By coming out of the background and offering his opinions, reviews or recommendations. He has various means of reaching out to the interested people - articles, own website, press release, advertisements, mailing to opt-in list - to name just a few. When the affiliate offers his views or recommendations to others and expects them to act on his call-to-action, it is imperative that he really knows about the product or service he is trying to promote. Just knowing about the product is not sufficient, he should be able to present his case with conviction, feeling and passion. This is where "owning" the product comes in. If the affiliate doesn't like the product, he shouldn't be selling it in the first place. However, if he has decided to promote and sell the product, he needs to know the product so well that he develops a feeling for it. He can consider buying and using the product himself so that he can narrate his first-hand experience. In any case he should try to sell only those products which he truly approves. It should be as if he "owns" the product with all its merits and demerits and is prepared to vouch for its credibility. He should project his views with true feelings and compassion as a result of his owning the product or accepting the product as his own. If he is less than sincere in his approach, it will somehow show thru and people will most likely not listen to him. True conviction can come only when he truly associates himself with what he is trying to sell. Even when he puts his heart and soul in his presentation, not many people will believe him in first instance. He will need to develop means (such as a mailing list) to communicate with interested people repeatedly, gradually building his case and persuading them to buy. All thru this process the sincerity and conviction of the affiliate should be clearly visible. This process has additional fallout which in my opinion is more important. The affiliate builds up his image as someone who is an expert in his field and can be trusted. This image will ensure his income in future. His credibility will be his most important asset. He will be able to build relationship with his long term customers. This is a gradual process, may take time but creates a solid foundation for future business. And it all started with his "owning" and endorsing the product in the first place. This is the real foundation for a successful MLM network marketing business.

About the Author

For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:-

Keywords: -Affiliate Marketing, Internet Marketing, Online business, Affiliate Programs

About the Author

For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:-

Do I need any capital to start up my Internet business?

I am building my "business up" with out any capital at all just doing my hobby sitting in front of my computer and surfing into the internet. I found a lot of interesting places with tons of information most of them about how to make money online. Some of them with people who are very aggressive they claimed to be millionaires who knows? Should be or not. The point is to make some money having some kind of business online in order to have an extra income that is more realistic an appropriate for me. Of course I do not discard the possibility of being millionaire too. For obvious reason I think every human being who is trying to sale any product or services here or there, needs to be exiting about whatever it has to offer in order to succeed. Even the richest people on earth still doing advertising for their own good. Growth and financial independence sounds good, additional family income and free time sounds much better to live a life of our dreams it is definitely the purpose of our life. So if I found the opportunity of have all of this or at least some of this why I did not take advantage? After I asked myself I decided to get over my fears, because there is a lot of staff in Internet that looks real but is not. The first thing I did was be aware and put all my intuition to work it never fails, and then I started to learn a little bit of all those "secrets and methods" and compare everything... It is amazing what you can find well I guess that is part of the Internet marketing. And at last I took a decision. I went for one of the systems the cheapest one, I thought if this is not what I am expecting at least I am not going to loose much money and I should take it as "at least I learned my lesson". The point was to find something to make easy money and a safest way. After reading here and there I decided to try with affiliate programs. Why? Because I do not have a company, and also I do not have a real product to sale. So the best way to star is as intermediary selling other people products and be paying a commission. Finally I found some great niches to affiliate and until now I am not regret In my opinion it is better to have couple of affiliates so if one product doesn't have a great success one of the others will be for sure. Right now I got about 4 web pages, couple of blogs and ready to launch two more. We couple of bucks and the truly intention to succeed I bought a system that gave me the opportunity to open my own store, who gave me all the secrets to marketing in internet and the most important thing, to make my hobby worthy. My sites are doing better than I expected. Welcome to visit one of my affiliate programs the one I called: quick pick shop. Because it is really the way I see it.

About the Author

I am an article writer with good content writing skills and excellent skills of bringing diverse thoughts together. I have proven track record of years in writing though provoking articles in diverse fields.

Affiliate Marketing: A Win-Win Situation

Why are hundreds and thousands of entrepreneurs setting up online businesses? There are several reasons for this phenomenal trend. Foremost among the reasons is that the Internet opens up an easier access to a wider market. In fact, the whole world becomes the market of the online business. An online business physically located in one city, for example in New York, can sell its products to clients that live across the globe. Of course, there will arrangements regarding shipment, but such things become SOP or standard operating procedures.

Today, a major part of online businesses is the setting up of affiliate marketing programs. The existence of such programs has attracted no only entrepreneurs and businessmen, but ordinary people who are looking into having their own online business. Affiliate marketing has become the entry point of many new businessmen.

Essentially, affiliate marketing is a business relationship between the affiliate and the merchant, who is the owner of an online company which is selling the product.. Upon entering the affiliate marketing program, the merchant is actually reducing the cost of advertising his products. He need not advertise because the affiliates are going to do this part of the business.

On the other hand, the affiliates will be willing and eager to promote and advertise the products of the merchants, without the hassle of taking orders or the demand of delivering the products on time, or the pressure of keeping the customers happy. The affiliates have already specialized in one small aspect of the business, and yet can still become part of another online business.

The merchant need not worry about wages for the affiliates because he is not obligated to pay salaries. What he should pay for are the commissions of the affiliate that will be computed depending on the agreed compensation package.

One package is called pay-per-click in which the affiliate is paid when a visitors clicks on the banner of the merchant. Another package is pay-per-lead in which the visitor has subscribed and has provided names of potential clients. And the third package is the pay-per-sale, in which the visitor purchases a product.

The affiliate is not limited by a certain amount of income. There will be no minimum nor maximum sales for the affiliate. The absence of minimum income removes the pressure on the affiliate, especially the new ones. And the absence of maximum limit paves the way to huge income opportunities.

Therefore, the situation created in affiliate marketing is a situation which is beneficial to both the merchant and the affiliate.

Peter Garant's 1-on-line-dating.comhref="">affiliate marketing site sells affordable 1-on-line-dating.comhref="">unique website articles to webmasters that understand the need for unplagerised and high quality content on their websites.

Niche Marketing: The Affiliate Angle

If you're just dipping your toes into the waters of Niche Marketing for the first time then Affiliate marketing is the ultimate low risk choice to get you started.

Affiliate programmes cost nothing to join and present an almost infinite choice of products and services from which to build a niche business.

If you're not familiar with Affiliate marketing, let me quickly explain.

An Affiliate acts as an independent "middle man" between a Merchant and consumer by introducing new prospects and customers to the Merchant. In return the Merchant pays a commission to the Affiliate on all sales that result from his or her introductions.

OK. So now you know what Affiliate Marketing is, how do you find suitable affiliate programmes for you niche?

Here are a couple of options to get you started - Search Engines and Affiliate Networks.

Search Engines

Go to and type in your Niche description e.g. "low carb diet" followed by a plus sign (+) and the word "affiliate" - the search query should look like this :

low carb diet+affiliate.

In the results you will get all the pages with the term "low carb diet" and the term "affiliate".

Go through the first and second pages and list all of the sites that show relevant products with affiliate programmes. Hopefully this will give you 10 or more affiliate programmes to choose from.

You could also repeat this exercise on to give your self more options.

Affiliate Networks

An Affiliate Network acts as "middleman" between Merchants and Affiliates, providing a centralised service where Merchants can list details of their products and Affiliate programmes, providing Affiliates with a broad and varied selection of products and services to promote.

Here are some highly reputable networks you should visit to find suitable niche products and services to add to your list of prospective Affiliate programmes :

• ClickBank - - specialises in downloadable digital products.

• Commission Junction - - probably the most popular affiliate network has a broad range of mainly physical products. CJ has a gate way to the "Be Free" another huge network.

• LinkShare - - runs the largest pay for performance affiliate marketing network on the Internet.

• clixGalore - - one of the larger affiliate networks with over 4500 Affiliate programmes to choose from.

• Digital River - - specialises in software products including games, anti-virus and anti-spam titles.

Add all the relevant programmes to list of those you gleaned from the Search Engine(s).

Selecting Niche Affiliate Programmes

Be selective in your choice of affiliate programme. Don't just signup for all of the programmes you have listed, visit each site and check each one out and make sure you "read each Merchant's terms carefully".

Here are some points for you to consider when deciding which programmes to promote:

• Commission rates - rates vary considerably, check them out to make sure get the best deal possible.

• Commission type - does the Merchant pay on a pay per lead, pay per click or pay per sale?

• Frequency of payment - most important. Payment frequency can be weekly, two weekly, monthly, quarterly - I've even seen six monthly.

• Minimum payout - what is the minimum commission amount the merchant is prepared to pay out on. You don't get paid until the amount reaches that minimum.

• Cookie duration - cookies are set to capture your referral code and expire after a specific amount of time. Make sure you get the longest time possible. Very few of your referrals will buy on the first visit, you want enough time for your referral to visit again so that you get the commission.

• Minimum traffic requirement - you don't want to find out that your account has been terminated because you aren't sending enough traffic to the Merchant's site.

• Are sales tools available - it's in the Merchant's interest to help you as much as possible. If they provide sales and marketing tools it makes getting started a lot quicker and shows that the Merchant values their Affiliates.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. As I said earlier, check all the terms carefully, then select and sign up for the programmes which best suit your niche theme and you're ready to start promoting.

Copyright © 2005, Andr? Anthony Niche Market Know-How

Andr? Anthony owns and operates Niche Market Know-How a resource for beginning Niche Marketers. Visit today to find strategies, tips, tools, products and resources for effective niche marketing. Get his Niche Market Know-how Mini Course here:

Do You Have What It Takes To Become Rich? by Gerard Mohamed

Irrespective of whether you need to follow the ways of the great financiers, the famous politicians, or the dynamic movie stars, there are common modes of behavior each of them followed.

In plenty of cases, they have shared their secrets so that even you can follow in their footsteps. Many of their life stories have been captured in books that are freely obtainable at public libraries, or in ebook format on the Internet.

Numerous people in this world would very much like to realize their goals through either starting their own business, expanding material possessions, or even succeed in the pursuit of arts. There is definitely no particular or specific path to the pot of gold, but some people, coming from very diverse backgrounds, have successfully found it.

"If you wish to know the road up the mountain, ask the person who goes back and forth on it," said the ancient sage, Zenrin. What better way is there to know the secrets than to ask those who made it?

What goals do you need to achieve, and what amount of effort can you commit? You may need money for the extra things in life, money to build a corporate empire, or money to support yourself while you pursue and follow your dream.

The world is currently in an economic slowdown cycle, with sub-prime mortgage concerns, collapsing banks, high oil and food prices already having taken their toll. This is causing people to constantly worry and become highly concerned about their health and their family's well-being. You yourself may even be anxious about the added expenses of education, medical bills, or the steady increase of the cost of living. Fortunately, there's always a means available to get out of the limitless cycles of worry, stress and anxiety. Right now, you can rise above the challenges of survival to achieve the accomplishments you dream of. When you're ready to put your whole effort into realizing your goals, you can and will succeed.

"Had I but plenty of money, money enough to spare," wrote Robert Browning. It is often said that money is the greatest attribute of riches. Even Horace wrote plenty of centuries ago that "By right means, if you can, but by any means, make money." For numerous people this serves as a path towards happiness, a cure-all for worry and peace of mind.

If you are you looking for financial security, to lead a comfortable retirement, for education or leisure, then maybe it is time to take serious stock of the genuine moneymaking opportunities that are obtainable around you.

Riches and prosperity can also come in the form of satisfaction and personal independence. Satisfaction comes from accomplishment in your daily work or just by simply attaining goals. It is usually that feeling of contentment and confidence from a good task well done. Success might also be the feeling of well-being from the rewards of good effort, or the enthusiasm and vitality triggered by recognition of your efforts.

There is a body of evidence to suggest that throughout history, the people who lived with riches often achieved them by hard work, diligence and an unfailing belief in themselves. For others, it took courage, genius and lots of stamina.

Always think about what you most desire. It may not be hard currency, but more a matter of what the money can buy. Or it may be those feelings of inner satisfaction, from generating something beautiful or strong, like the artist or master craftsman. You may need personal independence from the work week, or freedom to live anywhere you need. You may be looking for something meaningful and significant in life i.e. something beyond things money can buy.

The universe is however very fair, and in this respect it also present plenty of opportunities that requires nothing special but the desire to turn dreams into reality. The Internet with all its possibilities, is but one example and in this respect, one only have to think of online marketing, affiliate marketing programs as prime examples.

Whatever your goals, and however difficult their accomplishment seem to be, you have the inner ability to become who you want to be. Take a good look around your immediate environment and you will see yourself surrounded by numerous moneymaking opportunities. Just picture the world open and welcoming right in front of you, ready to become the form of your dreams, ready to stage your desires. Shakespeare very eloquently wrote, "Why then, the world's mine oyster, which I with sword will open."

Is it not about time that you buy into the multiple of opportunities to become rich?

About the Author

Gerard Mohamed is a social entrepreneur and Internet marketer. For top quality affiliate marketing program comparisons with consistent high payouts, visit his site at

Affiliate Success Secrets - Double Your Income by Garen Arnold

The Wealthy Life Dream

Who hasn't envisioned living a relaxing and luxurious life on the beach? Let's face it we all want to reside a better life in which we can enjoy life merits. If you have found yourselves poking around the World Wide Web recently you have noticed that people are making a colossal amount of capital off affiliate marketing or even paid per click advertising. Are there 'affiliate success secrets' that you have yet to discover?

In order to sell your affiliate products you need a rock-hard foundation; you need a advertising plan based on high traffic keywords. Along with that you need to have an adequate amount of research on your niche. Affiliate success secrets revolve around proper and sufficient research. Research is really the most significant part of understanding your customers and ultimately converting them into sales.

First The Gold Mine Idea?

Have you wasted hundreds if not thousands of dollars on 'get rich quick schemes' that solely propose to make you an instant millionaire without lifting a finger? These are not affiliate success secrets they are scams to make these merchants an immense amount of currency, quickly. Before you realize it they have falsely provided you with hidden affiliate success secrets and made a fortune off you, and are off like a thief in the night.

Choosing The Right Product to Promote

I am going to let you in on a one of the hidden affiliate success secrets that can amplify your sales. In my many years of promoting affiliate products, I have noticed one key secret; people are under the false perception that just because a product is free to promote that you can generate an extensional amount of cash from it. This allows you to dream, but doesn't result in any real sizable revenue. In order to properly drawl riches from affiliate products their needs to be a hungry audience. This is a true affiliate success secret that you must take advantage of.

When supply is greater than demand, profitability will plummet. This is the fundamentals of economics; you must understand the foundation before you begin making money. My advice to you would be to evade any of items that everyone is promoting because you will have a high level of competition. You can in fact take part of paying for affiliate programs that you must pay a fee for because generally people are prone to avoid them which essentially increases demand for these products. This is one affiliate success secret that many marketers fail to realize. Essentially, you have to spend a little money to make money sometimes.

How to Sell Your Products

In order to convert your affiliate products you need a solid landing page. I know what you're thinking this is going to be a dreadful task, but really it can be quiet easy and pain free. Even a novice affiliate marketers can take advantage of free services that aid your landing pages. Upon, designing your landing pages you need to monetize them to reach 3%-5% keyword density; this will help in the eyes of SEO (Search Engine Optimization.)

The benefits of landing pages are that they contain your costumers so they can't reside; you monetized landing pages so that you can acquire sales. Landing pages monetizing is one of the most important affiliate success secrets that you can take part in.

Choose Your Method of Promoting Your Affiliate Products

Once you have chosen your product to sell, you need to establish a path for promoting it. You can choose from a number of ways to promote your affiliate products. Many options for promoting affiliate products are actually free but do require effort. In exchange for your hard work you are rewarded with sales. So, what are some effective ways to promote your articles?

Article Marketing

Article writing (often referred to as bum marketing) is a great way to promote your landing pages, squeeze pages, etc; there are thousands or article directories that you can submit your articles too. The most impressive part about this is that is it 100% free. You will start to get back links from an assortment of different site resulting in a higher page rank, which will get you listed with Google, Yahoo and MSN. The more articles you write the more cash you generate.

Paid Per Click Advertising

Paid per click advertising is a great way to make money online, rapidly. However, paid per click does require some affiliate success secrets; it has been utilized and perfected for years. Every day people are making hundreds and thousands of dollars off of paid per click advertising. If you're not cautious with paid per click advertising you can actually lose a lot of money quickly.

Article Marketing and Paid per click advertising are just a couple effective ways to achieve success as an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing is still evolving and there is currently no industry standard in which you can follow. It is not taught in any college universities so it is very complicated to teach. If you truly know the affiliate success secrets you can easily prevail and make a sizable income with affiliate marketing.

About the Author

This is just the tip of the iceberg, to learn more affiliate success secrets, check out this guide that will help get you started in the affiliate marking industry.

Some Secrets Of Affiliate Article Marketing by rajeev bhoutani

If you are new to Article Marketing to boost traffic to your website or blog, there are just 5 things you should do immediately. Best of all, these five things will not cost you a penny! Article marketing is most probably the most effective link building strategy in existence. Article directories allow you to include a resource box for every article you submit. Inside this resource box, you include a link to your website. If you submit just one article to 100 article directories and it is approved for publication, you will immediately receive 100 back links to your website. There are thousands of article directories in the World Wide Web! Now, if you submit, say, 5 articles to a hundred directories, you may get 500 back links easily! How? Again, by including the link to your website or blog in the Author Box at the end of your articles like I have done below. The best part about this strategy is that quite a number of article directories have high page ranks (PR). We̢۪re talking about PR4, PR5, and on occasion, PR7 websites! Having a link to your own website in a website which has a high page rank would give a significant boost to your search engine standing! There are many questions about this tactic of submitting articles to directories. Here are my answers to the top 5 questions. 1. If I submit the same article to many article directories, will it violate a search engine̢۪s policy against duplicate content? The simple answer is - No - but see #2 (below) for a loophole. Since we̢۪re dealing with high ranking websites, the search engines will assume that the submitted content is your original work. This is the reason why most article directory editors are pretty confident about the articles they display. The problem that they try to avoid, really, is with regards to the credibility of their services. They don̢۪t want to be known as a repository of junk content, that̢۪s why they have outlawed the posting of PLR (private label rights) articles as well as articles loaded with Affiliate links. PLR articles are those you buy that were written by someone other than you. These are not a good way to go because the authors are selling the same articles to hundreds of other people. Using PLR articles will create a "duplicate content" problem for you with both the search engines and with the Directory editors. 2. Should I submit articles which I have already posted in my own web pages? If the article was posted on your website or blog first, the answer is "Yes, absolutely!". If you submit your articles to directories first, the search engines may assume that where the articles first appeared, in the Article Directory, is the originator of the content. In that case, your articles could be distinguished as "duplicate content". This could lead to the de-indexing of your articles. It will not, however, get your website de-indexed. The key is, you want your articles to appear on your website or blog first and be indexed first as originating with you. Wait a few days and then submit them to directories. 3. Can I submit as many articles as I want to as many article directories as possible? Absolutely, that's what I do and I do it often! This is very much advised as a fast way to build up your link popularity and secure a great page rank for your website or blog. I have only found one directory so far that only allows one submission per day. I have not found any others that have any limits whatsoever. Bear in mind that search engines are quite wary of any website that suddenly experiences a great increase in the number of its back links. It is advised that when you submit articles to the article directories, wait a few days between each submission. There is one exception to this. When I began submitting articles I had 10 that I submitted on the same day to get caught up, so to speak. After that I limited my submissions to one a day to each directory. 4. My page views are still quite low even after submitting my articles. Does article marketing really work? Yes, article marketing does work! If your page views remain at low levels after submitting many articles, ask yourself, or someone you trust, the following: a) Is the subject of your article interesting enough? Does it cater to a wide audience? b) Is your title enticing enough to merit a reading of your entire work? c) Is your article informative enough to merit recommendation to others? d) Is your article readable enough to give your audience an easy time in digesting the information you are sharing? I almost always ask my wife or my best friend for their advice on my writing. I have no ego to bruise. I want my articles to be readable and helpful. So ASK! If you get - "No" - to any of these, you have found the factors that contribute to your low page views. Doing some editing to correct the problems you have identified can dramatically increase the number of times your article is viewed. I have some articles that were viewed more than 30 times in just a few days through just one Article Directory! Multiply that by about 300 and you can see the impact. Many of the readers clicked my Author Box link and visited my blogs for more Free Resources on a particular topic. I pride myself on providing lots of Free stuff on my blogs and you should too. Remember, some article directories attract only a few visitors so viewing will also be low. If you are writing on a highly specialized topic, low page views would not be unusual. The key is, your articles are published and your back link in your Author Box is pointing to your website or blog and that helps your page rank even on a low viewed directory. 5. Can I be sure that my articles will be kept intact by people who would use them in their own websites or eZines? You can never be sure. This is why you have to run your own check from time to time. Search for unique phrases in your article and click on the results. Determine if the webmaster published your Author Box links. If he did not, you could ask him to include them. If you get no response, contact the article directory editors so that they themselves can act on the matter. Vigilance is the key. It is rare but it does happen. A positive side of directories is the editors will recognize "duplicate content" when the thief tries to submit your article under their name. The article will be rejected. This leaves them with placing it on their own blog or wesbite and you can find that out by doing the search as described. Do these 5 things and watch your traffic increase. Lastly, finding Article Directories to submit to is simple - Google "Article Directories" and you will get a huge list. Or, do what I do. I use software that submits the articles with a few button clicks (see my blog). This has saved me hours upon hours of tedious hand-submission because the software has over 350 of the best directories built in so you do not have to search for them. Keep in mind, submitting articles takes work, tons of work when submitting to one directory at a time. Check out various software like I did. The best software does cost a few bucks so do not expect to get off cheap. There is free or low cost software but "you get what you pay for". Articles, written by you, are still the fastest and cheapest (Free!) way to get more traffic and higher search engine rankings.

About the Author

For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website: -,

How do I catapult my affiliate marketing business

Affiliate marketing involves the promotion of a website by a person known as the affiliate. He is the one who acts as the middleman between the merchant and the customer. The nature of an affiliate’s job is to advertise and promote a merchant’s website through his own.

As this particular website is visited by surfers and browsers, they get to see the links that are listed or displayed there. Customers who click on these links end up doing transactions with the merchant. The merchant then pays the affiliate a commission for leading the customer to his very own site and, ultimately, his merchandise.

The whole process involved in affiliate marketing may look really elementary, but like any other true-blue business venture, it abides by certain rules. One who wishes to get involved in the business should harbor an interest to learn all the tricks of the trade. However, the success affiliate marketers are bound to have in this type of business is ultimately up to them to work on.

What does it take for an affiliate marketer to succeed in a business such as this? Catapulting one’s career in affiliate marketing is not an easy task considering all the competition involved in the business. In an industry where many are called but few are chosen, it pays to use strategies that work to project one’s business forward. This task, in addition to a lot of diligence and perseverance, is the key to an affiliate marketing career that will surely run a mile.

The first way involved in catapulting an affiliate marketing career forward is for an affiliate to join affiliate programs that prove interesting to him. This is an important factor in being able to stick to a business long enough to be able to make a living out of it.

The second is by making sure that one is hands on in creating a unique and interesting website where one’s business would take place. Using one’s own domain name is also a good idea as the site would be provided every bit of originality. Having a unique site will prove beneficial to the affiliate marketer as it will attract enough attention and, consequently, enough patrons to promote one’s products to.

The third is by starting a linking campaign that would encourage other website owners to supply links to an affiliate marketer’s website provided that the owner return the favor. This way, one is able to furnish more links into his website – links that will ultimately provide him more chances of generating traffic, and consequently, sales.

The fourth is by starting a newsletter and submitting it to as many websites as possible. This would encourage recipients to go to the website the affiliate marketer owns because writing one’s own article for the newsletter is one way of inviting people to come and visit the website. This is an ultimately rewarding task that would prove to be advantageous to the affiliate marketer concerned.

The fifth is by maintaining an e-mail list of people who have requested information about one’s products. The e-mail list can be acquired by an affiliate marketer through buying e-mail addresses from companies that sell quality leads for such people to use.

The sixth is by employing an auto responder program that would help an affiliate marketer save a huge chunk of time in buying leads for his site. The use of this program means automatically saving leads in newsletters whenever they are bought.

The seventh is by making sure that one writes his own articles for a personal touch. There is no better way to convince people to view a site than by convincing them personally, and an article that comes from an affiliate marketer’s heart is the best way to do it.

The eighth is by adding these articles to an affiliate marketer’s own webpage. This task will help him in his page ranks, and relevant content is always appreciated by those who like to see information on a particular website rather than banners which tell them nothing at all.

The last is by joining an online forum so that the affiliate marketer is always knowledgeable about current products and marketing trends. Talking to people about the business is a great way to build relationships, and the exchange of ideas involved in such forums is a great way to keep one well-informed about the industry in particular.

There is no real secret to success in a business such as affiliate marketing. All affiliate marketers have to remember is that by taking time to know and understand everything about the business at hand, one is bound to develop strategies of his own that will serve him well in years to come.

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Secrets to Affiliate Millionaires - 6 Steps to Maximize Profits and Spread Products to the World!

There are many affiliate marketing techniques to sell the affiliate products and increase your affiliate commission. In this article, you will discover secrets to affiliate millionaire to spread your affiliate products to the world. You will discover and learn steps of how to combine affiliate marketing techniques to boost skyrocket your affiliate commission.

Obviously, there is no doubt that the best affiliate marketing strategy is to maximize the profits along with the combination of several strategies. You will discover and learn the example steps to maximize the powerful combination of affiliate marketing strategies in this article.

1. Choose the market and affiliate programs, which you are passionate, along with your own effective research.

First of all, to success in the affiliate marketing business, you have to conduct your own research about the markets and the online affiliate programs. You need to understand well the markets and the products. With the effectively research, you will discover niche markets and hot affiliate products. There are many places on the internet, where you can start your own effective research. The highest recommendation is the search engines, forums, articles, news and Alan’s Associate Programs website.

The inside secrets of affiliate millionaires are to: (1) discover other people's problems in the market (2) find the products, which can be used to solve their problems (3) start discussing with other people in the forum and (4) review the affiliate products from other affiliate guide directories, like Alan’s associate programs website and affiliate guide website.

2. Sign up several niche affiliate programs online for your advertising.

After your own research in the market and products, you should then select a several affiliate products at the same time for advertising in the market. You should continue your research on those products. This step is the pre-requisite step of giving the product reviews. Therefore, the additional information of those products is required for your own product recommendation approach. For example, you need to know what other people think about the products, the benefits and drawback of those products.

The inside secrets of affiliate millionaires are to: (1) sign up a several affiliate products at a time (2) continue researching for those products in order to identify what other people think about, benefits and drawbacks and (3) walk through carefully the merchant website and detailed information.

3. Create your own squeeze page for capturing the visitors' personal information.

One of the most powerful affiliate marketing strategies is to capture visitors' personal information when they are on your website. With that information, you can maximize your sales and profits online with the back-end selling process. For example, you can setup several follow-up messages to them to follow and close sales. Also, the opportunities to earn more affiliate commission with them will be definitely opened and increased with the back-end selling process. However, to increase the conversion rate of capturing, you have to build, optimize and test your web page for capturing the information, called "squeeze page".

The inside secrets of affiliate millionaires are to: (1) build, optimize and test the quality squeeze page with high conversion rate and (2) utilize the powerful of graphics in the squeeze page.

4. Find and utilize the powerful of viral marketing, particularly the "Tell a Friend" script.

Viral marketing is a great idea to spread the affiliate products to the world for affiliate marketing entrepreneurs. The easiest way to spread the world is to utilize the power of "Tell a Friend" script. With the script, you can spread multiple audiences at the same time. It is very scalability and will spread quickly like a virus, particularly in the global internet community!

The inside secrets to affiliate millionaires in this step are to: (1) utilize the power of viral marketing, especially the "Tell a Friend" script and (2) maximize the feature and benefits of viral marketing strategies.

5. Conduct the review page for those affiliate programs with unbiased reviews.

The product recommendation or review product approach is one of the most effective affiliate marketing strategies to boost your sales and affiliate commission. With the effective research in the above step, you will definitely build a high quality review page with your own unbiased product reviews. Many studies reveal that people love the unbiased reviews and personal recommendation. They need many sources for their products and information before making any purchases.

The inside secrets to affiliate millionaires are to: (1) give the unbiased product reviews along with the high quality content and (2) reviews a several hot and top affiliate products in the market.

6. Maximize the power of the combination of those above affiliate marketing strategies.

To maximize the power of those above affiliate marketing strategies, the pay per click (PPC) online advertising is the key success. You have to drive quality traffic from PPC online advertising to your squeeze page. Then, you should drive visitors from squeeze page to the web page with "Tell a Friend" script. In that page, you allow visitors to spread your squeeze page and affiliate products to the world. After this page, you should drive forward to the review page. In this review page, you are giving the buyer's guideline and confident to the visitors by providing unbiased affiliate product reviews. Finally, you drive those visitors to the merchant website from the review page. In the merchant website, the opportunities for visitors to make a purchase will be opened and increased. If those visitors will not make any purchase from the merchant website, you can follow-up to them to offer other affiliate products in the future.

Final thoughts, the real secrets to affiliate millionaires are: (1) find the lucrative affiliate programs (2) create a quality squeeze page (3) setup a review page with unbiased reviews (4) utilize the power of "Tell a Friend" script and (5) drive tightly targeted traffic through PPC online advertising. Within this article, you have learnt the power of combination of email promotion internet marketing, content-driven in review page, viral marketing through "Tell a Friend" script and PPC online advertising. With these combinationsScience Articles, you will maximize the value and return on investment (ROI) of visitors and spread the affiliate products to the world.

Source: Free Articles from


Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of building super-profitable pay per click campaigns. His website,, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about pay per click advertising. Free special reports at:

Affiliate Marketing Secrets - Secrets Of Wildly Successful Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a very simple and easy way of getting business for your website. It involves undertaking various affiliate programs that would work in accordance with a merchant's objective of earning profits...

Affiliate marketing involves one or more affiliates who get rewarded for their marketing efforts which help in bringing new customers to the business. Nowadays, affiliate marketing can be done online or in the traditional way.

Traditional Affiliate Marketing

This type of marketing involves a salesman or an agent, which advertises and promotes the products or services of the firm. The salesman or affiliate as it is known, gets rewarded for the customers he/she brings to the business through their marketing efforts. This method of marketing gives a personal touch and is more convincing for the customers. The affiliates answer any queries regarding the product, right on the spot, while interacting with the customers. The motive of the affiliate is to convince more customers in order to get more rewards.

E-Commerce Affiliate Marketing

With the advancement of web services, affiliate marketing can also be done through the concept of e-commerce. Through e-commerce, site 'A' works as a middleman, which, in turn helps in bringing customers for site 'B.' For example, is an e-commerce affiliate site, which advertises and promotes various products. Apart from this, various bloggers and online communities also work as affiliates. Sometimes an e-commerce site itself sells its products and services. In this way, the site working as a middleman is cut down and the reward or profit is not shared.

Affiliate marketing is a very simple and easy way of getting business for your website. It involves undertaking various affiliate programs that would work in accordance with a merchant's objective of earning profits.

Additional Method of Earning Income

Affiliate marketing business helps in getting additional income by providing a link to the affiliate code of the company through your website. It also provides various benefits, which includes low risk with high potential. You need to invest a very low amount, which may prove profitable in the near future. More often than not affiliate programs won't charge anything from you. Your expenses include creating and promoting your website. Expenses like shipping and customer support are also your merchant's responsibility.

You are the Boss

In affiliate marketing, you are your own boss. It entirely depends on you as to how much effort you put into your business to get more customers. You also decide your pace of work. This type of marketing provides you with enough freedom and you do not have to worry about the inventory. Your sole responsibility is to promote your merchant's products and services by selecting the target market and receiving the commission checks. You need to be diligent and motivated enough, for successfully accomplishing your responsibility.

Today the business of affiliate marketing is on a roll with increasing demand of affiliated websitesPsychology Articles, for the promotion of products and services. One can always see a successful career in this type of business and its success or failure depends on the efforts you put into it to increase your earnings.

Source: Free Articles from


Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report: "Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!" Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Super Affiliate Internet Marketing Secrets

Discovering some of the secrets behind super affiliate marketing success is something every affiliate and online entrepreneur is looking to do.

Here are some already well-known super affiliate internet marketing secrets.

a) Super Affiliate Internet Marketing Success Is About Building A Blog That Attracts Relevant Targeted Traffic

Super affiliates have made it all look very easy by simply building blogs and sites that rank highly for certain keyword phrases and terms which attract highly targeted traffic from leading search engines. They have done this by using certain important keyword phrases and then purchasing as many links as possible in leading search directories on the net.

b) Super Affiliate Internet Marketing Success Is About Pre-Selling

The other key marketing thing that super Internet affiliates do is pre-sell to the traffic that they refer to their affiliate web site. Pre-selling is giving all the important information on why the product is required and will yield the full benefits required.

This should never be done in a direct obvious way. Rather a hunger for the benefits and features that the affiliate product will have should be created.

If this is done properly, then by the time the prospect arrives at the affiliate site, they will be falling over themselves to purchase the product or service.

These are just two key well know marketing secrets currently being used by super Internet affiliate kings.

Christopher Kyalo is a successful online entrepreneur involved in several lucrative affiliate programs. Read other parts of this article at his Affiliate program blog. Subscribe to his Affiliate Insider Secrets newsletter now and access a free copy of his life-changing special report My Sure Fire Guide To 6-figure check Affiliate Success. To subscribe simply send a blank email now to

The Secrets of Affiliate Marketing Secrets With Michael Cheney's "Affiliate Millions"

When people first come onto the Internet they are bombarded with promotions and offers all telling you the same thing - making money from affiliate marketing is easy!

You start off and everything looks great. You hear stories of riches over night and before you know it you have invested in some so-called solution that does nothing but empty your wallet.

You are not alone. There are thousands of people out there who just desperately want to make some money from affiliate marketing but have found it impossible to do up until now.. why has it been so difficult for you to make money as an affiliate?

Well the reason is simple most courses leave out some key elements.

You start getting into the course and you think "this is pretty good" and then all of sudden something comes up where you are ASSUMED to have already made a giant leap that you don't know how to do.

You feel ripped off and alone.

Well I finally found a way to LEVEL THE PLAYING field and make it possible to make the money online.

The solution is Michael Cheney's Affiliate Millions.

Michael Cheney's Affiliate Millions is one of the most extensive products on the market on how to make money through affiliate marketing.

He outlines his entire blueprint for affiliate marketing success, without holding anything back. He understands the frustration new internet marketers have and how they can feel like a failure.

You just need the proper tools to succeed, and Michael Cheney's Affiliate Millions will give them to you.

What you get with Affiliate Millions is:

- 10 Videos detailing everything you need to know about affiliate marketing and making money online.

- 10 mp3 recordings of all the videos so you can listen to them in your car, ipod, or anywhere.

- 10 pdf transcripts of all of Michael Cheney's Affiliate Millions information so you can print them out and carry them with you.

You can try the product out for 8 weeks, and if you don't like it, you can get a FULL REFUND. You have a full 100% money back guarantee!

You want to know the good news?

You can COPY this blueprint for affiliate marketing success. Just swipe the whole system for yourself and use it for your own affiliate marketing.

If you are really serious about making money with affiliate marketing I recommend that you check it out today. Affiliate Millions

Noted Authors, Top Revenue Producers Share Survival Secrets At Affiliate Force 2000

The Internets top Internet affiliate marketing revenue generators, best-selling authors and leading Internet affiliate marketing analysts shared a stage Thursday as part of the AffiliateForce 2000 Internet Affiliate Marketing Summit happening in Miami Beach, Florida.

Jonathan Ezor, author of "Clicking Through: A Survival Guide for Bringing Your Company Online" as well as a regular columnist on legal issues for BusinessWeek Online and the @NY electronic weekly, rolled out AffiliateForces Thursday opening presentation with Merchant's Survival Guide on the 'Net: Being Less@Risk."

In his presentation, Ezor discussed in detail various issues involving content liability, legislative activities, privacy issues, online promotion, International online advertising issues; risks related to libel law and potential pitfalls in establishing foreign-based affiliates.

Ezor also addressed outsourcing, warehousing and fulfillment, as well as potential security risks involved in the purchase process.

Alate morning panel entitled Keeping Your Store Open addressed the future of webhosting, storefront monitoring, contact development and voice enabled storefronts where sound can actually spur sales. Panelists included Chris Lyman of Virtualis, Scott Alberts of WebPartner, Seth Lieberman of Focalex and Matthew Shapiro of Firetalk.

Selecting Your Affiliate Solution complimented spectacular networking opportunities and focused on attributes of particular sales channels and the audiences that drive them. Solution providers discussed their affiliate philosophy, strengths and role in developing revenue-enhancing programs.

Panel members included Todd Crawford, Vice President of Commission Junction; Stuart Watson, vice president of Dynamic Trade; Bill Taylor, Vice President of ePod; Stuart Illian, Vice President of iMediation; Dave Slovin, Vice President of Nexchange; Frank Fiore, President of One Minute Shopper; Roman Godzich of Vstore and Charles Jones, CEO of Yo!

According to panel member Bill Taylor, Vice President of Sales for ePod, affiliate marketing performance is directly related to providing fresh products and services.

Weve found that our key to success - regardless of the experience the merchant we are dealing with has in affiliate marketing - is to provide continuously updated products or packages, making the experience interesting for the user and profitable for the affiliate, said Taylor. Weve worked hard to position ourselves to be able to work with merchants on an individual basis, addressing their needs and attributes, regardless of affiliate experience.

Taylor added that ePod will more than double its Affiliate Relations staff within the next three weeks as part of its business expansion.

Frank Fiore, President of One Minute Shopper - which sells everything from electronics to sporting goods to travel - says he is readying his company for beyond-site shopping.

Right now were on affiliate sites, but look forward to a near future of people downloading an applet that, when activated, will pop up One Minute Shopper, said Fiore. Coding will track back where the applet was downloaded, and commissions on whatever the shopper purchases will be paid. Of those in attendance, most agreed that technology cant accomplish everything, and service as well as creativity must play a key role.

As part of the Thursday agenda, merchants also presented their reasons for establishing and enhancing affiliate programs in-house. "Going it alone" which addressed web retailers who wanted to establish an affiliate marketing program, but didnt involve a third party to assist them in developing an affiliate marketing strategy. The panel was moderated by Joel Gehman, affiliate manager for Infonautics, owner of such popular web sites as and Panel members included Brad Waller, CEO of ePage & eAuction; Jason Ciment, CEO of MagMall; Janine Liebert, Marketing Manager of Bigstar; and Steve Tirella, Vice President of E-Commerce Exchange.

According to Gehman, the panel looked at four case studies based on the same affiliate marketing model and evaluated why the sites decided to go it alone and determine what return the sites saw.

Most of these merchants started affiliate marketing before the current roster of vendors came of age, said Gehman. They didnt have an Affiliate Solution Provider to go to, and they had to go it alone.

Panel member Jason Ciment, CEO of MagMall, started his affiliate program more than two years ago. Ciment, who took pride in learning about affiliate marketing the hard way, said he envies those that have the resources available today.

If these companies were around three years ago, I would have gone with them, said Ciment, who at 34 is considered an affiliate marketing veteran. Ciments experience comes from building a national magazine subscription fulfillment agency with over 1,000 titles in its catalog and more than 6,000 affiliates.

Steve Tirella of E-Commerce Exchange said his companys affiliate program was built to bridge the gap between small businesses and eCommerce giants.

source :

Affiliate Project X: The Super Affiliate Secrets Revealed.

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3.Find out what the gurus don’t want you to know.
4.Lots more from this new approach released for the first time ever – perhaps the last!

Why am I telling you all this, and not keeping it and using it myself? Easy! There’s room on the internet for all of us. The web and the internet are expanding at a phenomenal rate, and there is still more than enough room for us all to make a lot of money.

I know what it’s like to struggle and when something comes round which helps the ‘small guys’ to make money I’m always willing to share it. I’ve been there, done it. Got the t-shirt and the video, as they say, and I like to help others to get the chance to make it also. It doesn’t come without work – you still have a lot of hard work to do, but follow the examples in ProjectX and you will do it too. Just one thing:

Keep the secret. Don’t tell everyone about it. This tool, which is as powerful as anything I have come across on the internet (and I’ve seen plenty!), has six different ways of making more money than you have ever made before.

Six money making methods of the Affiliate Project X:

1. THE LEECH – this is about pre-swelling. There’s no need for me to emphasize how important pre-selling is, and this is taken to an entirely new level in ProjectX. You learn when to use the hard-sell approach and when not to.

2. THE AFFILIATE DIARY – You’ve heard it everywhere – “The list is king! The money is in the list!” What if you have no list? ProjectX provides you with details of how to build a good opt-in list which will bring you money for years to come.

3. THE WORKHORSE – If you have no cash available to invest in your project, don’t worry. ProjectX shows you how to get off the ground running without a website or a domain. You can make $200 each and every day if you put in the work, and that’s not a limit! ProjectX shows you how.

4. THE THIEF IN THE NIGHT – ProjectX shows you how you can rob the super-affilates of their ideas, and they can’t do a thing to stop you.

5. COPY THE BEST PART 2 – If you have Keyword Elite, this makes it easier, though everything can be achieved without it. It just takes a little more work, and ProjectX shows you both ways.

6. THE OPPORTUNIST – The secrets of how to select the products in demand while they are hot – keep ahead of your competition by selling what they have yet to come across.

You get all this without any risk whatsoever, because you get 8 weeks to try it out and if you decide it is not for you, just ask for your money back and you get it without any quibbling or questions. Chris, who devised the system, doesn’t have problems with returns though!

You are going to be blown away by ProjectX, and I have a special bonus for you that you can have free of charge for a limited period of time. This will show you:

The reason that 95% of internet businesses fail in their first year, and what to do to ensure that yours is not one of them.
How to market your product for maximum income.
Identify all of your income sources such as your customers, affiliates who sell your products for you, joint ventures, etc and why each is an essential part of the success of your business.
How to create your own products to generate back-end income.
And that’s just for starters!

Once you master Chris’ ProjectX, you will be ready to consider multiples sources (or streams) of income. You will reach this stage sooner than you think. Believe me, ProjectX is so easy to understand and follow that it won’t be long till you are looking at a number of income streams.

This is the best book available that I know of to help you create your own product. Have it FREE when you purchase ProjectX, and you will not only find out how to create your own products, but also how have your own band of affiliates selling them for you. Just sit back and watch the money rolling in!

For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:-http://www.reprintarticlesite.com