Do You Have What It Takes To Become Rich? by Gerard Mohamed

Irrespective of whether you need to follow the ways of the great financiers, the famous politicians, or the dynamic movie stars, there are common modes of behavior each of them followed.

In plenty of cases, they have shared their secrets so that even you can follow in their footsteps. Many of their life stories have been captured in books that are freely obtainable at public libraries, or in ebook format on the Internet.

Numerous people in this world would very much like to realize their goals through either starting their own business, expanding material possessions, or even succeed in the pursuit of arts. There is definitely no particular or specific path to the pot of gold, but some people, coming from very diverse backgrounds, have successfully found it.

"If you wish to know the road up the mountain, ask the person who goes back and forth on it," said the ancient sage, Zenrin. What better way is there to know the secrets than to ask those who made it?

What goals do you need to achieve, and what amount of effort can you commit? You may need money for the extra things in life, money to build a corporate empire, or money to support yourself while you pursue and follow your dream.

The world is currently in an economic slowdown cycle, with sub-prime mortgage concerns, collapsing banks, high oil and food prices already having taken their toll. This is causing people to constantly worry and become highly concerned about their health and their family's well-being. You yourself may even be anxious about the added expenses of education, medical bills, or the steady increase of the cost of living. Fortunately, there's always a means available to get out of the limitless cycles of worry, stress and anxiety. Right now, you can rise above the challenges of survival to achieve the accomplishments you dream of. When you're ready to put your whole effort into realizing your goals, you can and will succeed.

"Had I but plenty of money, money enough to spare," wrote Robert Browning. It is often said that money is the greatest attribute of riches. Even Horace wrote plenty of centuries ago that "By right means, if you can, but by any means, make money." For numerous people this serves as a path towards happiness, a cure-all for worry and peace of mind.

If you are you looking for financial security, to lead a comfortable retirement, for education or leisure, then maybe it is time to take serious stock of the genuine moneymaking opportunities that are obtainable around you.

Riches and prosperity can also come in the form of satisfaction and personal independence. Satisfaction comes from accomplishment in your daily work or just by simply attaining goals. It is usually that feeling of contentment and confidence from a good task well done. Success might also be the feeling of well-being from the rewards of good effort, or the enthusiasm and vitality triggered by recognition of your efforts.

There is a body of evidence to suggest that throughout history, the people who lived with riches often achieved them by hard work, diligence and an unfailing belief in themselves. For others, it took courage, genius and lots of stamina.

Always think about what you most desire. It may not be hard currency, but more a matter of what the money can buy. Or it may be those feelings of inner satisfaction, from generating something beautiful or strong, like the artist or master craftsman. You may need personal independence from the work week, or freedom to live anywhere you need. You may be looking for something meaningful and significant in life i.e. something beyond things money can buy.

The universe is however very fair, and in this respect it also present plenty of opportunities that requires nothing special but the desire to turn dreams into reality. The Internet with all its possibilities, is but one example and in this respect, one only have to think of online marketing, affiliate marketing programs as prime examples.

Whatever your goals, and however difficult their accomplishment seem to be, you have the inner ability to become who you want to be. Take a good look around your immediate environment and you will see yourself surrounded by numerous moneymaking opportunities. Just picture the world open and welcoming right in front of you, ready to become the form of your dreams, ready to stage your desires. Shakespeare very eloquently wrote, "Why then, the world's mine oyster, which I with sword will open."

Is it not about time that you buy into the multiple of opportunities to become rich?

About the Author

Gerard Mohamed is a social entrepreneur and Internet marketer. For top quality affiliate marketing program comparisons with consistent high payouts, visit his site at

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