Using AdWords to Promote Your Affiliate Links - What is the Policy?

There have been many rumors about using AdWords to promote your affiliate links. Some people say that it is not allowed, and others say that it is. Some say that there is a specific way to do it, and others say that using AdWords to promote your affiliate links is no different from any other AdWords campaign you would run for your own products or services. Some say it works, others say it doesn't. Are you ready to hear the truth?

The truth is that it is perfectly acceptable using AdWords to promote your affiliate links. That information comes straight from Google AdWords policy. Google only displays one ad per search query for each top-level domain, however. What this means is that if two affiliates are using AdWords to promote your affiliate links, and they are both using the same keywords in their advertising campaigns, only one ad will appear on the page when a person searches for those keywords.

This means that you must set yourself apart from the other affiliates when using AdWords to promote your affiliate links. The best way to do this is to construct a content site, where your affiliate links are used in the content, and banner ads and text ads are also used on the site for the affiliate programs that are related to the topic of your site. Instead of using AdWords to promote your affiliate links, use AdWords to promote your site, using keywords that are specific to the affiliate programs that you are trying to sell.

If you do not have your own website, and you have no intention of getting one, you can still set yourself apart from the competition by bidding high on the keywords that you have chosen when using AdWords to promote your affiliate links. You will need to literally outbid the competition - and you should know that this can get expensive, depending on what keywords you are using. See what the other affiliates are using in the text of their ads, and try to make your ads better. The more often your ad is clicked on, the more often it will appear - no matter what you are paying for the keywords.

Another option is to use keywords that your competitors are not using at all. These may be less popular keywords, but if you use the keyword selection tools provided by Google, you will be able to determine which alternate keywords will get you the best results. Don't be afraid to use the alternate keywords, as opposed to the most popular keywords - keep in mind that you only pay for the clicks you receive. If you find that you aren't getting any clicks at all for the alternate keywords you have chosen, try different keywords.

Google offers quite a bit of information to advertisers who use AdWords to promote their affiliate links. The best way to succeed with AdWords is to read the information that is provided. Learn as much as you possibly can from that information. The more you know, the better you will do. There are also a variety of ebooks available that will give you additional information about profiting from AdWords. Consider purchasing one of these products, and again, read through the information and learn as much as you possibly can.

Source: Free Articles

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