The secret to successfully selling digital goods online.

Choosing a way to accept payment is a very serious decision that you will need to work with for a very long time. It is simply too important a decision to make without knowing the right questions to ask.
So many solutions are nightmareish to join, particularly if you are selling downloadable items. In addition, they ask too much from your client which means lost sales for you. If your client is sitting in front of their computer with a desire to buy, you had better not make it hard for them to purchase or they will be gone in a flash.
You really want to make everything as simple as possible so it’s less hassle for you and extremely simple for your client. Today’s smart technology can make this happen in ways any merchant could only have dreamed about.
Also, new technology payment methods dramatically increase sales because they allow you to target the ever-growing teenage market, who are very familiar with and have easy access to these payment methods.
Some of the obstacles this author found when attempting to get started were:
1. If I wasn't in the USA - THAT was a problem
2. I was poor because I was just getting started online and they expected ME to have a clean credit record.
3. When I told potential banks that I wanted to sell digital products I felt the full blast of their wrath.
4. The overheads for their account or gateway were astronomical and ate massive chunks out of my margins.
5. The setup of the systems - let's not even go there.

However, it was when I got past the obstacles, that I discovered they were NOTHING compared to what lay in my purchasers' path!
They had to be of legal age, have access to credit cards, have a real, physical, verifiable address; produce ID numbers, etc

Well, I had a ringtones site, and if ever there was a way of sinking fast this was it.

Then, at the beginning of 2007 I finally discovered a better way. Technology had been produced and now website owners don't have to tackle these hurdles.
The answer was simple but search high and low on the forums and you will not come across it - why not?
Well, unfortunately, there is too much money in merchant accounts to be lost if webmasters took up these advances.
I hope to change that by revealing the answer.
It's mobile phone payments - you can get setup within 24 hours, and your clients need nothing more than a mobile phone with credit on it.
That's it! - No ID, no address, no credit cards.
There's also nothing for the website owner to set up, no need for their OWN credit record to come into it, no difficult applications to go through, and, best of all, guaranteed payments with no chargebacks nor penalties.
The fees are tremendously cheaper than any other processing I have ever known and can even be paid by the client.

Just look at the cash all the TV virtual reality programmes are making - well, now it's our turn.
How about if you could sell ebooks,info products, music, ringtones or any other downloadable items at that rate? Well now you can.

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About the Author

This article was provided by Johnson Daniel - a small business owner just like you and me who got fed up of trying to get accepted to process payments for ringtone downloads on his site. 15 years on, as advances in technology finally overcame the issues, he vowed to help all merchants, large or small, to discover these advances which, in one fell swoop, remove the barriers he spent years battling with. Johnson has dedicated his new website Johnson's Web to this objective. » Read more articles by Johnson Daniel

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