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Money Making Affiliate - The Secret To Making Money As An Affiliate

We all realize that is this time of recession; everybody could use some additional income. There are numerous companies that will entice you with big money if you partner up them but realistically how many of them do you think deliver on their promises?

More than likely you will pay to join the program and not even make enough money to cover your investment. So what options are available to us when we need extra money?

Well if you have any kind of sales background or feel that you would succeed in sales then there is a viable option that many individuals have turned to with impressive results. The term is affiliate marketing.

There have been many cases where someone is selling products for another company. This is the foundation of the affiliate marketing business model. Basically what happens here is that you start selling someone else's products for a commission.

There are many benefits to the affiliate marketing business model. It's a lot cheaper than starting your own business and if you succeed in making sales it can earn you extravagant sums of money without having to be loyal to just one employer.

It is a way to earn income without having set hours and a long commute to work. Sound good? Well, let's look further into what it means to be an affiliate and how you can become an affiliate making money.

You will start by finding businesses that offer affiliate programs online, learn about their product and then proceed to sign up to become an affiliate if that business interests you.

Once you sign up you will start introducing their products or services to potential customers. If you make a sale then they pay you a commission for that sale.

This is truly a program that creates a good relationship because both you and the business owner are making money on each deal. Becoming an affiliate can be a really good thing for someone who has the skills to sell the products but doesn't want a conventional job.

When you harness the power and leverage of the internet, you can become an extremely wealthy affiliate if you take advantage of automating a lot of the everyday processes. You don't have to be loyal to one program and should look to create multiple streams of income once you have mastered one program.

This could turn out to be a really good thing if you find a group of products that you can market to the same target market. It might even turn out that the products will sell better when you group them together. There are a variety of techniques that you can harness and be original.

The whole affiliate program theory may sound like it's going to be an easy process but beware; it may end up being much more challenging than once perceived. You will be the exception if you get even a few sales.

More than likely the majority of those who become affiliates won't actually succeed in that many sales and you should be prepared for this. Or you may be the one that ends up making his or her millions by employing a proven money making system.

To utilize a 6-figure income generating system to become an affiliate making money, visit Don's Xocai website and grab your free newsletter ==>

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Ten Steps To Success As A ClickBank Affiliate

There are many ways to create a steady and regular income with the Clickbank Affiliate program. All you need to use are 2 advertising methods that are widely known. Clickbank Affiliates who are successful CAN bring in a check for thousands of dollars with little more effort than effectively advertising the different products online.

Lets first talk about what the Clickbank Affiliate program provides to the average person online. Clickbank has an extensive database of electronic products that are sold online. When a person decides to write a PDF book or Ebook, they will post it on their site. They will then go to the Clickbank website to fill out the appropriate forms to start an affiliate program. Clickbank is basically a merchant account for people who sell electronic products online. Clickbank affiliates will then log in to the Clickbank Affiliate website and search for applicable products to sell.

Clickbank Affiliates will create articles or product reviews to sell a product they have selected from the Clickbank Database. They will create a website much like the page you are looking at right now, add the Clickbank Affiliate Link to the page and post the article or review to promote the products. Remember that it is better to stick with a niche and find several products within that niche. You can either post the product review on your own site or you can create an article that you can post to article databases.

On those product review pages, a Clickbank Affiliate may also add Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising from Google. When this happens, they will ensure that the document has the proper keyword density to bring the right words to appear in the Google advertisements. Then the Clickbank Affiliate will receive revenue from both the visitors who are clicking on the Google ads and from the people who are interested in the original product.

Google can also be used to advertise the sites you have chosen from the Clickbank Affiliate log-in area. Most Clickbank Affiliate program providers include PPC ads with the affiliate programs website. They will allow for the new Clickbank Affiliate to be able to go to Google, insert the prewritten advertisement and post it. Most of these companies have tested the advertisements and know that they work. Remember as a Clickbank Affiliate that the program administrator should be doing everything to make you money since it is the way that they make money. (Google will need to see your site before they approve you. I suggest going through and signing up for an account that way.)

Let's Review the 10 Steps to Success as a Clickbank Affiliate.

1.Get a Clickbank Affiliate account.
2.Pick your niche and search for it on the Clickbank Affiliate Website.
3.Create a Blogger account and get your Google Account.
4.Choose whether you want to create articles, reviews or both.
5.Write your articles or reviews with the correct Keyword Density. (See Below)
6.Post them either to your website or blogger account and promote it.
7.Go to Google and bid on keywords for your product choice.
8.Place the advertisement and allow the Google system to work for you.
9.Check your Google account and your Clickbank Affiliate account for payment details.
10.Repeat steps 4-8.

About the Author
Discover The Secrets To Building A Solid Affiliate Business From Scratch

With No Money, No list And No Website. Visit
The ClickBank Affiliate

To Find Out How 100% Free


How to Find an Affiliate Program For Any Niche in 2 Minutes…

There is a great trend lately of marketers finally moving to niche markets and not just focusing on selling to the “make money” industry. This is an excellent move and one that will prove to be very profitable for you. However, a problem that many affiliates are hitting is that they don’t know how to find good niche affiliate programs.

If there isn’t a program in Clickbank, most affiliates are lost! Also, since Clickbank doesn’t allow us to “search” their database, it’s too hard to find anything there.

Well, here is a quick and easy way to find any and all of the best and most profitable affiliate program for any niche you desire.

To find affiliate programs from now on you will use Google to help you. Google is a great tool to use because…

1. It’s free

2. Any site that comes up on the top results is likely reputable and has been around

3. You get thousands of results you can search through

4. You can make your search very specific

Alright, let’s discuss in steps, how to Google to find affiliate programs.

1. Go over to

2.Type your “Niche Title + affiliate” – This is the step that a lot of people can get confused in so let’s clear it right now. Example/ If I am searching for an affiliate program on dog health, I will type this phrase into Google = dog health + affiliate

3. Now the results that I get, all the pages that have the term “dog health” and the term “affiliate” will show up.

4. Next open a program like Excel or just take out a piece of paper.

5. Go through the results in Google and keep noting down the different programs that come up.

6. Once you have 10 programs listed, go back and research each of them to find the most profitable one.

Try this strategy on search engines like Yahoo as well. You will get different results and combined between Yahoo and Google, there is no way that you won’t find a good affiliate program.

What if you don’t find any affiliate programs this way?

Then most likely an affiliate program for your niche does not exist. A great way to make money now is to contact a few of these websites and introduce the concept to them! Perhaps help them set up an affiliate script and share in profits – actually, if there is no affiliate program in that nice, you and that company can make BIG profits from it!

There, now you have NO excused not to find profitable niches and build websites for them. You can now find a profitable affiliate program for them all.

About the Author
This article has been authored by Anik Singal, the founder of http://www.AffiliateClassroom.comIf you want to learn more about how to use articles to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website, please sign-up for our FR-EE course at:


Google Finally Dropped The Bombshell On Affiliate Marketers.

Google finally dropped the bombshell on affiliate marketers. Their was a lot of speculation in the affiliate marketing community if they would actually go through with it. Well, they finally did.

In case some of you reading this don’t know what I’m talking about; Google no longer allows affiliates using adwords to send traffic directly to the merchants website. Affiliates will now have to send traffic to their own sites first. This is going to make a lot of affiliates angry because now they have to go through the extra work of creating web pages.

Personally, I welcome the change. Affiliates who don’t want to take the time to set up their own web pages will stop using adwords. This in turn will make keyword cost cheaper and get your google ads a higher position.

Some people thought that Google would be losing money as a result of the new rule. I don’t think so. The number of Google ads will decrease as some affiliate marketers leave, but the ads that remain will probably get clicked on more often than they did in the past. Which means more traffic for those webmasters..

One of the main reasons Google implemented the changes is so their adword results were more relevant. It doesn’t make much sense for each ad to point to the same website from a searchers perspective. But, this could backfire on Google. Affiliates could simply create their own web pages and send visitors to the same site anyways.

I’ve been using adwords for about two years now and its interesting to see how things change as time rolls on.

About the Author
Kevin Emswiler is the author of Beat The Adwords Learning Curve.


4 Essential Affiliate Marketing Principals and Tips - Affiliate Marketing on Steroids

There is Affiliate Marketing and then there is Affiliate Marketing on Steroids

We have all heard of the super affiliates who make in excess of $100,000 every month but the reality is that we are not privileged to the exact details as to how they earn these crazy amounts.

Another reality is that the mega earners are in the minority and whatever it is that they are doing is either a very closely guarded secret or just simply way above us mere mortals.

Don’t despair though because many ‘normal’ affiliates earn really good money online simply by basing their affiliate businesses on these essential affiliate principals.

1. How to Discover a Demand or Niche Market

Don't make the mistake of marketing a product or service without first discovering whether there is in fact a demand for it.

Thankfully, with the internet at your fingertips, market research is made a lot easier. Following are some of the steps you should take for researching your market:

* Visit online forums to see what questions people ask and what problems they’re trying to have solved

* Figure out which keywords there are a lot of searches for but for which there are not many sites competing for

* Check out your potential competitors by visiting their sites and taking note of their marketing strategies

* If your product or service can be based on something you are interested in (and fit the above) the whole process will become much easier for you

Once you've completed the above find a product (or create one) that you can sell as an affiliate or have affiliates sell for you.

Check out to find out in detail on how to go about this

Steps 2 to 4 involve establishing your web presence which you will need in order to market your products effectively and communicate with customers.

2. The Next Step is to Establish a Web Presence

* Find out how to secure your preferred Domain Name (

Register as many suitable names (that are in line with your business' theme) as soon as possible (before they are taken) - you can always sell them later

* Sign up for a Reseller Web Hosting account for less than $25.00 (

* If you cannot design your own website and graphics grab a professionally designed fully customizable website template (

Remember never to use free domain or website addresses as they will not inspire confidence in your prospects - rather buy a cheap Cheap Domain Names domain name from a reliable registrar (also it's not advisable to have the same web host as your domain registrar).

3. Create Content and Write Killer Sales Copy

The next step is to populate your website with content in the form of images and, more importantly, textual content.

This is what should do the selling for you so if you have poor sales copy the result will be poor sales.

There are 8 factors that make up the proven formula for writing sales copy that will take visitors through the selling process from the moment they arrive.

When writing your sales copy, think about how your product or service is uniquely able solve people's problems or improve their lives. Think like a customer and ask, what is in it for me?

4. Join an Affiliate Network

An affiliate network will offer you a wide range of products from which you can choose to promote on your website or with other means.

For more essential Affiliate Marketing principals and resources as well as tips on monetizing your website visit:

In conclusion, whilst affiliate marketing can often be frustrating and time consuming it is without doubt a proven way of making decent money online

Mark Bellinger, a university graduate, is a successful businessman and entrepreneur exploring Affiliate Marketing Strategies, profiting with internet income streams and how to make money from an internet business
By Mark Bellinger

10 Inside Secrets to Google Adwords - Part 2

Are you frustrated with spending your hard-earned money on Google Adwords and losing more money than you make? Part 2 of this series continues revealing the inside secrets of successful, profitable advertising with Google Adwords.

If you missed Part 1 or Part 3 of this series, simply send a blank email to to get all three parts of this series of articles emailed back to you automatically.

Secret #4 - Make separate AdGroups for each keyword within Google Adwords
Google Adwords lets you create up to 25 campaigns per account, with up to 100 AdGroups per campaign as of this writing. It’s important to organize your keywords into separate AdGroups to maintain finer control over the ad text for each keyword. If you had one AdGroup for the following keywords: ‘widgets’, ‘plastic widgets’, and ‘wooden widgets’, then the ads created for that AdGroup would have to apply to all of the above keywords.

If your ad text reads: "50% off all plastic widgets" and this ad is showing for the other keyword phrases in the same AdGroup, then someone searching for ‘wooden widgets’ probably will not be inclined to click on your ad that is focused on people searching for ‘plastic widgets’.

The way to be sure each ad is focused on the exact keyword phrase being targeted is to have a separate AdGroup within your Google Adwords account for each keyword phrase, and ad text that exactly matches that phrase. For example, an AdGroup named ‘Plastic Widgets’ with the keywords ‘plastic widget’ and ‘plastic widgets’ can have an ad with text that reads "50% off all plastic widgets" and the people searching for ‘plastic widgets’ will see the ad most relevant to their search term. Create a separate AdGroup for ‘wooden widgets’, etc. Now you can create ads with text that matches the exact keyword phrase for which people are searching.

Secret #5 - Run tons of keywords in Google Adwords
Most people that have Google Adwords accounts find the top keyword phrases for their industry and run ads for only those keywords. This is a big mistake. The top keywords are the ones that have the most competition and also the lowest click-thru rates. Smart Google Adwords marketers know that the more specific a keyword phrase is the more people will click on the ad. People that search for a keyword like ‘widgets’ are more likely to skip over an ad targeting such a broadly targeted keyword. However, ‘large plastic widgets’ is much more of a refined search and there are far fewer advertisers with ads that target that phrase so you get the double benefit of having fewer ads in competition with yours and you can also run ad text that exactly matches that keyword phrase!

Doing keyword research and compiling a large list of keywords may be time consuming, but you will run rings around your competition if you are willing to do what they are not.

Secret #6 - Split-test your ads in Google Adwords
As mentioned in Part 1 of this series of articles on Google Adwords, it is critical to split-test your ads. Google Adwords has a built-in feature that lets you automatically rotate the appearance of your ads so different ads can be shown an equal number of times (or weighted more heavily toward the ad that gets more clicks if you prefer - you can change this in the campaign settings). The benefit of this approach is that you will be able to see which ad gets a better click-thru rate (CTR).

Since Google Adwords rewards a higher CTR with lower cost per click (CPC), it is crucial that you know which ad has a better CTR. Sometimes just swapping the ad text that appears on lines 2 and 3 will make a big difference in your ad performance.

Secret #7 - Improve your ads in Google Adwords
So what do you do if you find that after split-testing two different ads a clear winner emerges? Simple. Chuck the lower CTR ad, keep the winner, and create a new ad to split-test against the current reigning champion. By following this split-test strategy, you will constantly be improving your ads CTR and lowering your CPC.

How do you know when a clear winner has emerged? Is it enough to have two ads that both have received 10 clicks each? Or should you wait until you have 100 clicks each before making the determination that one ad is superior to the other? Statistically, a total of 100 clicks between the two ads will mean the answer is fairly certain, while 200 clicks between both ads is an almost definite certainty.

What’s stopping you from finding qualified, motivated buyers and getting them to your website when they are ready to buy? There is no better marketplace for this steady stream of valuable traffic than with Google Adwords. By employing the tips and strategies outlined in this series of articles, you will be armed to the teeth to convert those hard earned dollars spent on Google Adwords into profits for your online business!
By Ron Isaiah

10 Inside Secrets to Google Adwords - Part 1

Don't make the same mistakes that 99% of all Google Adwords advertisers make. Learn the inside secrets, tips and tricks to profit from Google Adwords pay-per-click. The first in a series of articles that reveals what the experts don't want you to know.
Let’s face it... Google Adwords is not the only source of traffic on the internet, nor is it free. However, if you cannot convert the traffic you get from the pay-per-click traffic on Google Adwords, your site surely won’t convert the casual visitor who may or may not be ready to buy what you are selling.

When spending money for pay-per-click (PPC) traffic, whether it is from Google Adwords, Overture, or a 2nd-tier PPC network, the key is to track your traffic to see if it converts into sales. There are many software products and online services that can track your traffic. For a recommendation, visit:

Many people that have tried Google Adwords have lost their shirt, so to speak. Some keywords on Google Adwords are cheap (keyword phrases start at a nickel per click). Some keyword phrases on Google Adwords can cost tens of dollars per click. If you end up paying high per-click prices on Google Adwords and don’t sell a high-ticket item on your site, even the most enviable sales conversion rate won’t turn a profit.

There are several tricks to advertising on Google Adwords that unless you know them, it becomes almost impossible to turn a profit on your advertising.

Secret #1 - Only bid on exact match keywords
Google Adwords has a few different ‘keyword matching options’ available. When a keyword is placed in brackets like this:

[keyword], it is called an ‘exact match.’ This means that only when someone enters that EXACT keyword phrase will your ad appear. It might occur to you that by limiting your keyword(s) to only exact match, you are eliminating all those people that may be searching for the phrase "cheap widgets" or even "widget" singular, since only the keyword "widgets" plural is an exact match. Believe me, this is exactly what you want. Sure, it will take extra time to create an adgroup within the Google Adwords system for each keyword phrase you want to bid on, but you will know with 100% certainty which keyword(s) are converting into sales this way. If you do NOT use the exact match option in Google Adwords, then there is absolutely no way to know which keyword(s) are resulting in sales on your site.

Secret #2 - Bid to be in position #2 or 3
When someone searches on Google for your keyword, the first page of search results are going to reach the most people. What you want to do is position your ad in one of the top 3 spots. You don’t want position #1 necessarily, because that position costs the most and doesn’t give you much more benefit than being in position 2 or 3. You pay less for these spots than position 1 and gain most of the benefit.

By being in one of these top spots, your ad gets a higher ‘click-thru rate’ (CTR). This is good is because the Google Adwords system actually rewards you for having an ad with a high CTR by charging you less per click! Google Adwords exists to make money for Google. If they have two companies advertising for the same keyword, and your ad pulls a 10% CTR and your competitor’s ad for the same keyword pulls a 5% CTR, then Google Adwords makes more money from your ad. Google Adwords rewards you for this higher CTR by charging you less per click than your competitor!

Secret #3 - Negatively qualify your ads
Admittedly, the problem with having an ad that has a great CTR is that it gets a lot of clicks! Unless your traffic converts into sales, it’s hard to turn a profit on your Google Adwords ads. The key is to put words in the ad that DISCOURAGE people from clicking on the ad unless they ‘pre-qualified’ to convert to a sale. For example, if you have site that sells widgets that cost $10.00 each, then put something in one of the lines of text in your ad like ‘Widgets cost only $10.00.’ The only catch is that if your ad isn’t getting a very good CTR in the first place, then a negative qualifier is only going to reduce your CTR.

Your next step? There are many more techniques to learn that will increase the profitability of Google Adwords campaigns. The above tricks will start you off towards making Google Adwords work for you. Check back for Part 2 in this series. You can get a complete course that covers every tip and trick you will ever need by visiting:
By Ron Isaiah

Affiliate Programs And Google Adwords – Get Huge Profits

Affiliate Programs like ClickBank are the best ways of get an extra income every month without spend money. You can join for free in just minutes with ClickBank and start offering Digital Products to your customers. If you have a good double opt-in email list or just a blog or website, you can add ClickBank to get an extra income.

ClickBank only allow to sellers offer Digital Products or Inmediate Download Products, it means that after buyer pay for it can download it. Its one of most important features of ClickBank and for this, it’s the best Affiliate Program.

About 3 months ago, I read the ebook Google Cash, where the author explain the best ways to get Affiliate Sales using Google Adwords. There are others ebooks about Google Adwords and ways to get affiliate sales using it, I recommend that you search and read for it, because it’s a good way to get money faster.

Google Adwords Is one of the best ways of promote your site, online business or what you want to promote. You can join Google Adwords here: After join, you can setup your first Ad, where you will be able to select the “Ad Text”, “Ad Link to show”, “Ad link to go after click”, “Ad Title” and “Ad keywords”. You will need to think about what product want to promote. Remember, Adwords will send you people that are searching for this product. For example, if you are searching for “Cars” in Google, you will see that after press “Search button” some ads appears in the right and maybe above of search results. Adwords will put your ad on this places exactly when people is searching it, so in less words, people will see ads of what they are searching for. For this reason Adwords is most effective ways to promote your business.

You can setup your keywords, you will need to search about keywords using Overture Keyword Tool, where you will be able to enter the keyword and will get last month searches for this keyword and related phrases, also you will be able to get “Advertisers Bids” for this keywords.

Selecting most common keywords is not always the best solution, because keywords like “email” or “car” are really spensive, because this keywords are most searched In Internet. Maybe you can select other related keywords, or phrases. There are lot of it that are also searched and cost the minimum ($0.05)

Ok, now you have your product selected (using ClickBank), you have the right keywords and your Ad designed (title and text). After you complete the Adwords Steps, your ad will be sent for “Approval” and Google Team will approve (or not) in just one day (sometimes I got it approved the same day).

With $50 you can start your own Adwords Campaign, if you selected keywords as low as $0.05, so with $50 you will get 1,000 Relevant and Exactly visits to your products, just think that if your product is nice and good, you may get 10 or more sales, and if you get only $12.50 per sale, you will get $125.00 for $50 of investment. ($75 ROI)

Ok, now, if it is your first time with Adwords, and don’t want to spend your first $50 you can go to, register an account for free, and search for “Adwords Coupons”. You will get a list with all auctions related with Adwords Coupons. What is it? Adwords Coupons are links or just “coupons” to get discounts or free Adwords Credit. You can buy at $55 free adwords credit for less than $2, and it works fine. I used it last months, but after I got real profit from my sales I never didn’t use it again, because if im a really “internet marketer” I need to spend some money to get success, not all is free, or just not always people can get free promotion.

Do all above, read more about Google Adwords in Adwords Support Center, you will get lot of features like “Select the Country where you want to offer your product”, it’s a good option because you will not want to offer products to all countries… you only will want to offer it to specified country, to get more targeted visits to your Ad.

Im getting real profit from this tactic, its very used for Webmasters and People around the globe, and its one of best ways to get real income in just one week.

Adwords and Affiliate Programs are only one way to get online revenue, there are many other ways. If you want to see latest articles and resources for online business, just go to my own blog and you will find lot of fresh content about Online Business and also lot of resources and more great tools for your business. You also can join to my Free Newsletter to get latest info directly to your email every week.

Good Luck!!!

About the Author
Join to Newsletter and receive weekly emails with latest tips and resources on the niche, or just go to Ways Of Make Money Blog

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Google Adsense Plus Affiliate Marketing Equals Profits

Have you been wondering what exactly is up with affiliate marketing and Google AdSense? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you've ever wanted to know about making money with affiliate marketing and Google.

Are you a webmaster who needs funds to keep your website running? Or is your website the only way for you to earn income? Whichever you are, for as long as you are a webmaster or a web publisher and you need cash, affiliate marketing may work well for you. With affiliate marketing, you may get a lot of cash pouring into your bank account easily. And if your website is rich in great contents and you want to earn more profit, why not get into the Google Adsense program as well?

Why Affiliate Marketing?

Well, simply because affiliate marketing is the easiest and probably the best way to earn profits online, unless otherwise you are a businessman and would rather sell your own products online than advertise other businessman’s products on your site. But even online retailers can benefit from affiliate marketing programs, because affiliate marketing actually works for merchants as well as it works for the affiliates.

Affiliate marketing, simply said, is a relationship or agreement made between two websites, with one site being the merchant’s website and the other being the affiliate’s site. In the relationship, the affiliate agrees to let the merchant advertise his products on the affiliate’s site. The merchant, on the other hand, would agree to pay the affiliate in whatever method they have agreed into. This would generally mean easy income for the affiliate, as he would do nothing but place the retailer’s ad on his site. This would also be very beneficial for the merchant, as getting affiliates to advertise their products would be a lot more affordable than hiring an advertising firm to promote their products.

There are a variety of methods on how the merchant would compensate the affiliate for his services, and for the webmaster, these methods simply translates to the method by which he would earn easy cash. Among the more common methods of compensation are the pay-per-click method, the pay-per-lead method, and the pay-per-sale method. The pay-per-click method is the method most preferred by affiliates, for their site’s visitor would only have to visit the advertiser’s site for them to gain money. The other two methods, on the other hand, are better preferred by merchants, as they would only have to compensate you if your visitor becomes one of their registrants or if the visitor would actually buy their products.

Getting much profit on affiliate marketing programs, however, does not depend so much on the compensation method is it does on the traffic generated by your site. A website that can attract more visitors would generally have the greater chance of profiting in affiliate marketing programs.

Is everything making sense so far? If not, I'm sure that with just a little more reading, all the facts will fall into place.

What about Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is actually some sort of an affiliate marketing program. In Google Adsense, Google act as the intermediary between the affiliates and the merchants. The merchant, or the advertiser, would simply sign up with Google and provide the latter with text ads pertaining to their products. These ads, which is actually a link to the advertiser’s website, would then appear on Google searches as well as on the websites owned by the affiliates, or by those webmasters who have signed up with the Google Adsense program.

While one can find a lot of similarities between Google Adsense and other affiliate marketing programs, you can also see a lot of differences. In Google Adsense, all the webmaster has to do is place a code on his website and Google takes care of the rest. The ads that Google would place on your site would generally be relevant to the content of your site. This would be advantageous both for you and for the advertiser, as the visitors of your site would more or less be actually interested with the products being advertised.

The Google Adsense program compensates the affiliate in a pay-per-click basis. The advertisers would pay Google a certain amount each time their ad on your site is clicked and Google would then forward this amount to you through checks, although only after Google have deducted their share of the amount. Google Adsense checks are usually delivered monthly. Also, the Google Adsense program provides webmasters with a tracking tool that allows you to monitor the earnings you actually get from a certain ad.

So, where do all of these lead us to?

Where else but to profits, profits and even more profits! Affiliate marketing programs and the Google Adsense program simply work, whether you are the merchant or the affiliate. For the merchant’s side, a lot of money can be saved if advertising effort is concentrated on affiliate marketing rather than on dealing with advertising firms. For the webmaster, you can easily gain a lot of profits just by doing what you do best, and that is by creating websites. And if you combine all your profits from both the Google Adsense program and other affiliate marketing programs, it would surely convert to a large amount of cash.

Of course, it's impossible to put everything about any subject into just one article. But you can't deny that you've just added to your understanding, and that's time well spent. So now you know a little bit more about affiliate marketing and Google AdSense. Even if you don't know everything, you've done something worthwhile: you've expanded your knowledge.

About the Author
Margaret Albright is the webmaster for the website Know It All Affiliates, Teaching you how to create your internet empire one site at a time.

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New Technologies Detect Black Hat Seo Methods - Google affiliate

There are two categories of SEO methods. Black hat SEO and white hat SEO. Either one of the methods can help you gain a higher ranking status on some of the most popular search engines. But, one is more likely to get your website banned from search engines entirely, and according to recent information, your website may not be safe for long. If you haven’t guessed it, the potential bad seed in this batch is the black hat SEO.

White hat SEO is not going to trick the search engines. When you use white hat SEO methods, you can ensure that you are in fact playing by the rules and should be safe from trouble with your website. Websites that use white hat SEO tend to be very helpful to users, search engines and webmasters themselves.
Black hat SEO is the method that tries to trick the search engines by means of unsavory ways gain higher search engine rankings. Some of the methods used in black hat SEO methods include cloaking, hidden texts and doorway pages. Search engines such as Google have announced that they will penalize websites who use these methods when detected.

You may be wondering why black hat SEO methods are blocked if they work so well to get higher rankings, right? Well, they may work well initially, but in the long run most of the black hat SEO methods are being detected and punished by search engines. These methods have not been approved by Google and other search engines, and they can be frustrating to those who are relying on Google and search engines to provide them with good, relevant search results.

You may get away with black hat SEO methods for a while, but chances are good that you will get caught and when you do, it will not be pretty. Even if you think you know people who have used these methods, or continue to use them on their websites and have nothing but good results, you should remind them that it is only a matter of time before they are banned from search engines.

What might be effective right away to gain good rankings on search engines, will cost you a lot more in the end if you end up getting your website banned from Google entirely. Black hat SEO methods are similar to those of cheating in school. You may get away with it for a while with good results, but eventually you will get caught and then all of the hard work that went into building your online business and website will be wasted.

Using white hat SEO methods may be more time consuming and expensive right away, but if you are diligent and determined, your website can be effectively ranked on Google and other search engines. If you are unsure what methods may be considered black hat SEO, you might want to seek out a professional before you attempt to use them.

By: Sarah Folgea

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Sarah Folgea from specialises in writing articles relating to the online Business Industry and Black hat SEO. Visit her website at

Secret Success Of Affiliate Marketing

The Internet has fast become an efficient and trusted way for companies to market and sell their product. One of the reasons for this has been the rise of "Affiliate Marketing" - which is when a website directs traffic to itself through adverts on other (usually related) websites. Affiliated marketing either pays the affiliate through a pay-per-click program (the affiliate receives money every time an advertisement is clicked) or a pay-per-sale program (the affiliate receives commission every time a posted advertisement or sales page on their site generates an actual sale or subscription.) Generally, the pay-per-sale program (also called cost-per-sale, or CPS) is the tried and true form of affiliate marketing used.

Affiliate marketing began just a few years after the world wide web was launched, originally popularized by well known companies such as CDNOW and Google's Adsense is also a very well known type of affiliate marketing, but is not considered true affiliate marketing as the advertisements usually center around the theme of the website they are displayed on (known more as contextual advertising). Google does not directly sell the specific product. It sells the advertising and takes a percentage just as you do. Affiliate marketing is highly cost-effective - it costs both the advertiser and the affiliate nothing, while having the potential of bringing in a very large form of income for both parties. While pay per click (or cost-per-click) advertising can present a risk to the advertiser, because a click does not necessarily guarantee a sale, the cost-per-sale (CPS) system has very little or no risk at all for both parties because an actual product sale takes place before commission is paid. This makes the CPS model of affiliate marketing highly desirable for both, the seller and the affiliate marketer. Though affiliate marketing is a relatively new way to earn money on the internet, the concept of revenue sharing has been around for quite a while, long before the internet. Thanks to the World Wide Web explosion which has turned the globe in to a "right next door" sort of communication venue, affiliate marketing has taken it to new level, reaching farther and wider than traditional sales and business commerce. It has become a staple form of advertising, bringing in business for all types of electronic commerce, inexpensively yet at a very high profit.
Online merchants find affiliate marketing very appealing due to the fact that it presents little to no risk both for the merchant or the affiliate. The affiliate earns a commission or fixed amount based on the number of sales brought to the merchant. These sale occur through sales pages and links on the affiliate' website or through email, blogs, banner ads, video or audio ads, syndicated feeds or articles. Some merchants (only about 1% of affiliate marketing) use a cost-per-click remuneration system,. This gives the affiliate an earning per click every time an internet searcher clicks on an advertisement on their site or email. However, dishonesty has taken advantage of this method in the form of false clicks which unfairly cost the advertiser money that does not lead to sales so CPC is regarded by many to be too risky. Google Adsense and other major CPC advertising services have managed to implement safeguards to detect such false click activity. But for many smaller sales businesses and individuals this is not the case. Both pay per click and pay per sale affiliate marketing bear no cost to the merchant in the original set-up. In other words, it costs nothing to place advertising banners on an affiliate site. The cost only occurs if there is a click or a sale. Merchants also get to set the parameters, and decide on the incentive schemes. This makes affiliate marketing a very inexpensive but highly efficient way to grow a business. Now you know the secret. Tap into it to create a passive stream of revenue that can add to your business or perhaps be the start of a whole new internet business empire for you!


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Starting Out In Affiliate Marketing - Google affiliate

Many debates go on about the best affiliate marketing programs and no real winners are found so perhaps it is just best to stick with regular websites. Affiliate marketing is a great way to sell other peoples products etc., while earning a commission. Of course the simplest way is often the best especially for beginners and a single page website can achieve the same results as a multi page site. This is possibly the best way to make money online and the easiest.

So far so good but what about the product(s) you intend to sell? Although it may sound like a chore, failing to read and understand a companies affiliate terms and conditions could cost you a great deal of money. If you want to be paid for generating sales you will do this after all it will be your business. Some programs restrict where they the countries to which payments are made so if you are not on their approved list, you will not get paid.
Unless you intend to have a massive turnover with a product, steer clear of affiliate programs with less than 50 percent commission payments. Still one of the best affiliate marketing resources .where there is information and products listed in categories and links to the sales page of the product being sold. Almost all reputable affiliate programs will allow you to join them at no charge (not even an admin fee) so be very careful handing over money to any company that says you need to pay them a single registration fee. The majority of programs will use Paypal or Clickbank and both are trustworthy so to ensure you are covered, register with both systems as it is free. In the early days it is better you do not experiment with other payment gateways until you have gained some experience in affiliate marketing techniques.

For ebooks and other sites that can help with your marketing affiliate products business just do a search online, you will be surprise just how much information is out there. To make money from their free ebooks, many authors have affiliate links in the url's, so if you visit some of these do not feel that you have to buy anything. It is easy to spend a great deal of money when you start before you have made your first dollar if you are not careful; start by using whatever free resources you can at first. For a beginner this is a way to see if something works and to then trust the person who supplied it and buy from them at some point in the future.

Where possible in you affiliate marketing business, use alternative forms of advertising to increase your exposure and direct people to your site that might otherwise have missed it. All you need to do is show people how to learn more at your website and let it do the rest. By using tracking methods (this is necessary and all affiliate marketers do it) you can decide which advertising methods work and which do not. With affiliate marketing it is easy to work for as many companies as you feel comfortable with. A word of warning: there is also danger of getting bogged down with too much information, this can also be bad or out dated just too make matters worse.

By: harjitkaur

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Make Money Online Using These Some Simple Methods

Knowing how to make money online is a dream for many people! If you're like me, then you probably want to make your own schedule and being in direct control of the amount of money that comes in every month. But there is a harsh reality to this dream... Most people who want to know how to make money online never come close to making ANY cash. In fact, many of them don't make ONE cent from their efforts. Well the truth is there a number of different ways to make money online. In this article, you'll learn 4 proven methods earning a steady income from the Internet. Let's get started... How to make money online system #1- Affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing is probably the best way to make money online. Knowing how to make money online is a dream for many people! If you're like me, then you probably want to make your own schedule and being in direct control of the amount of money that comes in every month. But there is a harsh reality to this dream... Most people who want to know how to make money online never come close to making ANY cash. In fact, many of them don't make ONE cent from their efforts. Well the truth is there a number of different ways to make money online. In this article, you'll learn 4 proven methods earning a steady income from the Internet. Let's get started... How to make money online system #1- Affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing is probably the best way to make money online. The focus of this system is to refer paying customers to other people's products in return for a hefty commission. What's great about affiliate marketing is you can get started in 5 minutes and be on your way to earning a sizeable income. How to make money online system #2- Google Adsense Google Adsense is another incredible method for earning cash on the Internet. Unlike other techniques, this one doesn't any selling or referrals. All you have to do is place code on a website and you get paid every time someone clicks on your ads. While this method may seem simple, it has become one of the top ways to earn money on the Internet. In fact, there are a few marketers who earn a six figure income each month just by using Google Adsense. How to make money online system #3- Sell an information product Selling your own information product is a great way to put yourself in the driver's seat of your own Internet business. While it's great to refer other products and do little work, creating an information product is one of the ways to build an actual business. The good news is everyone is capable of creating an information product. All you have to do is research a hot topic and you'll have an in demand product which people will pay you a lot of money to read. How to make money online system #4- Sell your services Another way to build a profitable business is to sell your knowledge and services. While you might think it's hard to build an Internet business, you can actually get started quickly simply by offering freelance work to established businesses. For instance, you can easily build a business by offering things like: * Copywriting services * Article and ebook creation * Creating web graphics and images * Become a virtual assistant for busy marketers * Designing software Now as you can see, there are a number of legitimate ways to make money. So if you want to learn how to make money online, I recommend you take action and start doing one of the 4 systems I described in this article. I guarantee you'll be happy with the results.

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The Easiest way To Make Money Online On Google Adsense - Google affiliate

Fact number 1: Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense.

Fact number 2: Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home and have never made a dime on the internet have created full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web site or blog.

These are just some of the â€Å“super Adsense earners”. You may have already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on their way to making millions worth of cash just by promoting Adsense sites.

Anyone, any age and gender can become money generating Adsense publishers as long as they what it takes. How does one go about this Internet advertising?

For the last couple of months, Google Adsense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that Google Adsense have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to making money online.

The key to success with Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.

With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instant hit.

For some who are just new to this market, it would be a blow to their pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhere in the little ads promoting other people̢۪s services. But then, when they get the idea that they are actually earning more money that way, all doubts and skepticism is laid to rest.

There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful webmaster and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.

1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks. It also means more money for you.

2. Placing Adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing Adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites. Tricky, but effective nonetheless.

When learned to work effectively, these two factors are actually a good source of producing a minimal amount of revenue from a high traffic page. Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free content to their visitors. Now they can gain a monetary return on their services.

With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that Google is trying everything to update and polish their Adsense in order to maintain their good image.

The possibility of adding is 2nd tier in Adsense is not impossible. With all the people spending more time in their Adsense now and still more getting into this line of marketing, there is no doubt about the many new improvements yet to be made. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the webmasters and publishers all around the world if ever they sign up for sub-affiliates and double or even triple the amount that they are already earning. The one particularly handy money-making feature that is available with Adsense now is the ability to filter out up to 200 urls. These gives webmasters the option to block out low value offers from their pages as well as competitors to their websites. Talk about taking only those that are advantageous and discarding the ones that seem "useless".


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Affiliate Marketing Secrets & Professional Techniques Used by Experts

First I would like to mention that there are actually NO affiliate marketing secrets. However, there are smart money-making techniques that "big boys" don't want to tell you. In this article I will talk about one of those clever methods.

You see, if you just set up a website, and put your affiliate links there, nothing will happen. It will be simply waste of your time. Instead you should do something, what professional marketers are doing.

One of the so called "secrets" of affiliate marketing is that you have to think and act like a customer, like a person who is looking to solve a problem. If you put yourself in the shoes of a customer, you will be able to identify what they really want and how you can give it to them.

There is a nice method, how you can slowly convert a simple visitor looking to solve a problem, into a hungry customer who is ready to pay anything to find a solution for his/her problem. In order to that, you need to develop a route for that visitor to your landing page, where you will have a review of a product, which should help the person.

First you need to create the review page of a product, which is also often called landing page. You can do it on Blogger, Wordpress, Squidoo or Hubpages, and then you need to write few articles related to your niche, and target your readers from articles to your landing page. After you've written some articles, submit them to Ezine, and other article directories to get traffic.

This method works like a charm. It's an excellent pre-selling technique. I have no doubts that after reading a good article, a reader will go to your landing page and will be very likely to purchase a product through your affiliate link.

I learned this smart pre-selling technique from Chris X's ebook called Affiliate Project X, where Chris covers everything from basics of affiliate marketing to many advanced techniques of increasing your sales by pre-selling customers. You can learn more about Affiliate Project X by clicking here.

Secret Affiliate Code Review That Will Change the Way You Do Business Online

There are many people online that are struggling to build a successful business with affiliate marketing. It is not as easy as most people lead you to believe it is but there is one amazing product that can change this for anyone trying to build their business with affiliate marketing. This product is the Secret Affiliate Code. So, how can this product change the way you do business and make money? This Secret Affiliate Code review will tell you what you can receive when you get this amazing system.

The creator of the Secret Affiliate Code is Craig Beckta. Yeah, you are probably wondering who he is and how he can help you make money. Well, to answer your question, he is a regular guy that learned the secret to affiliate marketing that earned the respect of many gurus online and allowed him to join the top earners online.

He has taken what you know about affiliate marketing and taken it apart and put it back together into a system that will allow anyone, including a newbie to start making money right away with your own internet business. Here are some of the amazing things you will learn and get with this system.

• You will learn four Secret Affiliate Code techniques that will help you get more traffic and will help you make more affiliate sales.

• There are many tips, techniques and tricks that will show you how to convert traffic that is looking to buy into customers that pay you for your product.

• Learn how to optimize Squidoo lenses and blogs. He gives you many tools that will help you get targeted traffic so you can make money.

• One of the most valuable resources you will get with the Secret Affiliate Code is 10 videos with over an hour of step by step instructions on how Craig runs his own business. This is so valuable because you will be learning exactly what Craig does every day to make money. Plus, he has been where you are and knows how to show you how to get to where you want to be because he has done it himself.

• With the Secret Affiliate Code you will learn many free traffic techniques that you can use to make money anytime you want to.

This Secret Affiliate Code review can only tell you so much about what you will receive. There is so much more that you will be amazed at everything that is offered to help you have a successful internet business.

You have to check it out for yourself because if you don't than you will always struggle to make money in affiliate marketing. Visit this secret affiliate code page to find out more.

Here's Why You Need To Use Landing Pages

All the products that you want to sell online are ready. You have already signed up with the Google Adsense program or with other affiliate marketing programs and you have already prepared the ad you want to post on your affiliate's site.

Your mind is now set to being the next most successful online businessman. But is there anything else that you might have forgotten to prepare? Maybe none. But how about your landing pages? Are they all set for your business?

Landing pages are simply web pages where visitors are directed to whenever they click a result in a web search or whenever they click a web ad. For affiliate marketing, landing pages would refer to the web page where you, as a merchant, would want your potential customer to be directed after clicking your ad on your affiliate's website.

Landing pages are, at most times, nothing really different from other web pages in a particular website, especially if the said website is an e-commerce site. Some online businessmen would even use the homepage of their websites as the landing page for their ads. Are these businessmen making a big mistake? Or should you follow their method in creating landing pages for their ads?

Well, you can always follow what most online retailers do, directing their potential customers to the homepages of their websites. But if you want to achieve something more from your online business, and if you want to earn a lot of profits, you better create a special landing page for your web ads. Why? Here are a few reasons why you need to use landing pages for your web ads. And take note, it would do you a lot better if you create a great landing page than a so-so one.

Reason no. 1: It is the only way you earn conversions in an affiliate marketing program.

There are a variety of affiliate marketing programs today, but most of these programs let the merchant pay the affiliate in a pay per click basis. Basically, all you have to do is sign up with the program and submit your ad. The program owner would then distribute your ad to various affiliates who would then place your ad on their websites. Whenever your ad is clicked, a visitor would be directed to your landing page and you would have to pay the affiliate for his service.

As a merchant, you earn in an affiliate program through conversions'that is whenever a visitor that is directed to your site actually buys a product on your site. Without these conversions, you actually earn nothing from the program. Also, the more visitors that your affiliates have directed to your site, the larger would your expense be. And the only way that you can recover from these expenses is through conversions.

Now, you sure won't get any conversion if you have posted an ad on your affiliate's site without an actual landing page for the potential customer to be redirected into. It's just like advertising a product without actually having a store to sell your product. Your advertisement may be enticing enough to encourage people to purchase a product, but without the landing page, how will they know how to purchase the product

It is therefore important to have landing pages for your ads because it is the only way for you to earn something in an affiliate program. Without landing pages, all you do is spend money paying your affiliates without actually getting anything in return.

Reason no. 2: Other web pages may just not be enough.

Many people make the mistake of making their website's homepage as the landing page for their ads. The same is true for those who make use of other pages like a "contact us" page or a product page. Homepages are often designed to serve multiple users and contains a lot of links to other pages or to other websites. The same is with the other two pages mentioned. If you want to be successful in an affiliate program, we're sure that you don't want your landing page to cater to the needs of various people, most of which may not be really interested with your product.

When choosing a landing page, you must always have the customer directed into that page in mind. Therefore, your landing page must be relevant to the keywords and the contents you placed on your ad. It is also important that the landing page can induce your visitor to take action that is to purchase your product or at least provide leads for potential customers.

Final Word

You probably entered into an affiliate marketing program with these things in mind: to save on advertising expenses and to gain more profit. But if you get into an affiliate marketing program without actually having a landing page, you'll end up paying too much without getting anything in return.

So if you still don't have a landing page for your ads, you better start creating one now. And don't get us wrong; it isn't enough for you to have just a landing page. It should be a great landing page!

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About the Author:
Jo Han Mok is the author of the #1 international business bestseller, The E-Code. He shares his amazing blueprint for creating million dollar internet businesses at:

Marketing Affiliate Programs Are The Most Trusted And Effective Way For Making Money

Marketing affiliate programs are the most trusted and effective way for making money on the Internet today. Affiliate Cash Vault shows you a powerful new technique to make money from Adsense. The author Patrick Lanoux gives you some very valuable tools and resources that can earn $500-$5000 per week, depending on how much effort you put into it. Affiliate Cash Vault includes the following tools: 3 ebooks, a webpage template that is easily edited, a list of highest paying adsense keywords and software to generate niche keyword lists. The section on how to earn cash on auto-pilot really got me hooked. I realized I could still make money even while I'm sleeping!

The best part in the book is however the way Google arbitrage is explained. Patrick has outlined clearly how you can identify high paying keywords and it is simply mind blowing. After signing up, you can start earning without having any stock or product of your own - just selling other people's products and services, or in other words, affiliate marketing. This is just amazing and Patrick guides you every step of the way. The simple set it and forget it system actually works. This is a powerful technique yet told in a simple step-by-step process that everyone can follow. Patrick shows some neat ways and a secret source from where you can get targeted traffic everyday - in a very inexpensive way! The member’s only site of the Affiliate Cash Vault is a virtual treasure cove of tools and tutorials for newbie wants to make money on the internet.

You will not only get the list of highest paying keywords but more importantly the tips and tricks of how to get them working for you. As a start up entrepreneur if you are boot strapping then this tutorial teaches you some very effective, low cost advertising methods. There is also a detailed guide on pay per click advertising. Best thing about the affiliate cash vault course is you can do all this without a website of your own. You will be given a web page template that is designed in a way to generate profit. You will also be guided on how to set up accounts, how to identify profitable niches and how to generate profitable keywords lists. Demystifying the affiliate marketing process is not a simple task and not many people are willing to share their "trade secrets" but Patrick does it with great honesty and simplicity. Patrick reinforces his claims on Ailiate Cash Vault by supporting real life testimonials and links to actual websites that are actually utilizing this amazing product. Though it is not as simple as the author claims - to start earning money instantly, it is definitely possible to start earning money in a few days. Therefore, if you always wanted to find out how to make money on the Internet, Affiliate Cash Vault is your best bet and highly recommended for its simple style and the amazing web design software.

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How To Make $100 Dollars A Day Off Craigslist

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How to start an On-Line Business - Google affiliate

Here is a little info that could help people on How To Start An On-line Business. This is hard work, not a get quick rich scheme :-) Let's break the down the tasks:

1) Finding something profitable to promote on line.
You can find/build a product or service your self and market it via the internet to generate sales. This does require a lot of work, time and dedication in building that side of the business.
The other option, which is by far the most popular, is to promote a product/service for another company, receiving a commission for every sale you generate. This is called an “Affiliate Program”, if you search on Google for Affiliate Program you will find heaps of info and companies that you can work with. A big bonus taking this route is that these companies offer help, advice and promotional material to help you generate sales. You also have the added bonus of not stocking/shipping/billing the products or services.
A type of an affiliate program that I personally have had excellent experience with is promoting Premium Rate Services. The most popular service by far is the dating services, men wanting to chat live to women. These services are accessed via a premium rate number, charged at x per minute. I receive a percentage split of the tariff the service is on, for example ?1/min. That ?1 would get shared between many people. The Telco (The Company that supplies the numbers) would take 25p, the Operator would receive 25p/min, the Service provider (The company that sets everything up, employs the operators, sets up the numbers and is the company that pays everyone) would take 5p/min. The rest goes to the promoter/media owner - 40p/min. Doesn't sound much but it builds up quicker than you think, the average call duration is 8 minutes, 40p x 8 = ?3.20 per call. If you want to promote the services I promote, Visit Premium Rate Provider.

2) Research you competition
How can you design your site better than the others? What content can you add that others don’t? What would make your visitors want to buy your service/product? What are your Target audiences? Why would people re-visit your site? Spend at least 2 weeks visiting your competition, learn what they offer, how they get traffic. Find as much info as possible. 3) Planning your Web Site: Start planning content for your site. Pictures, wording, games, newsletters, tools your visitors can use. Content is King! A visit to is essential to look for keywords. You need to plan your web site as much as you can. Think about what pages you are going to have, what content are your visitors going to enjoy etc. They say "Content is King" And I couldn't agree more. The more content your site has the better, for Search Engines and your visitors!
The better you plan your web site, the better the outcome!

4) Learn On Site SEO
Learning On Site SEO before building your site will help you design your site around the SEO rules, which are vital if you are want traffic from Search Engines. To learn the basics of SEO, is a good site to get going.

5) Designing a Web Site.
I always say to people starting out, DONT LEARN WEB DESIGN. You can get a site built for peanuts these days, it just isn't worth putting your efforts and time into learning any web design/programming work at all. Of course a lot of people would disagree this, but I’m going on my past 8 years experience.
Web Site Design Services - We can build you a site exactly to your spec, as you pay for what you need.

6) SEO, Search Engine Optimisation.
The reason I suggested that it's not worth learning Design (If you are in the early stages) is because I think that your time and efforts are better spent in learning SEO. Getting people to come to your web site is hard, but doable if you follow the rules. The more people who visit your web site, the more money you will make.
Off site SEO. You need to build links to your site, which is not easy. Submit your sites to as many directories as possible, email other webmasters for a link exchange, research on-line on how to obtain more links. I spend 3 hours per day trying to find links and thinking of ways that I can get more links. If you have something on your site that other sites would want to use, then they could link to your site, the best method I have fount to date. You can also try forums, adding a link in the signature of your posts.

Good luck!

About the Author: Chris Osborne
Managing Director
Platinum Phone Services

Pay per Click (PPC) Account Management using Google Adwords

PPC stands for Pay per Click, effective pay per click management can be used to increase traffic, reduce cost per click and boost profit. "PPC Management” provides maximum ROI by optimal placement and using proper keywords and narrowing gap between bids through its keyword management services, saving your time, money and as well as manage your Overture™, Google™, Miva™ and other PPC accounts.

What is Google AdWords?

Google AdWords are short pay per click ads that are displayed on the right side of Google search results. The ad copies display the highly relevant and targeted results on the right side of the Google SERPs (search engine results pages).

Steps involved in setting up an AdWords campaign?

1. Find a product, business to promote that is in high demand. This can be an affiliate product or one of your own products. I recommend not promoting a product which has no demand. Do your keywords research first?

2. Keyword Research - Try to select the targeted and potential keyword which suits your business or product, avoid unnecessary clicks from search engine users because it can increase the average cost per click.
There are several keyword research tools available online but some of the prominent are listed below.




3. Check the Competitiveness of Keypharses - Enter any of your main keywords in the Google search engine and see how many ads are displayed on the sponsored ad of the search results. Some of keyphrase might have as many as 40 advertise or more it clearly means very high competition market, but if the number of advertiser for any keyphrase is 16 or less, it can be potential market to target.

4. Create a Google AdWords Account - There is a US$5.00 activation fee for Google AdWords. After that, you decide how much you are willing to pay per click per day. You can choose a maximum cost-per-click (CPC) from US$0.05 – as much as you want and set a daily budget as low as 5 cents USD or as high as you want.

5. Write your ad Copy - Look at the ads which are currently live on Google to give you an idea of how to write ad copies. Use your main keyword or key phrase in the title of your ad copy. You may even be able to include other keywords within the body of your ad campaign. Here's a format of a typical ad:

Title: - 25-character limit
Description 1:- Benefits (35-character limit)
Description 2:- Features (35-character limit)
Display URL: - (35-character limit)
Destination URL: - The Destination URL can be up to 1,024 characters and is the actual web page users will land on after they click on your ad.

Write different ad copy for each of your ad groups. You never know which performs better than the other ad group and make sure the landing page or website is relevant to the ads. This will help to reduce waste of the clicks.

6. Track the Results - To identify how many of your customers click through to your website from your Google AdWords, use a unique tracking URL for each ad group. This will also give you an indication which ads and keywords converted the most clicks to sales. Google automatically tracks the click through rate for your all ad.

7. Refinement and Continuous Improvement - As you will start receiving the statistics of your adwords campaigns you can improve the performance of your campaigns. The traffic analysis can help you in knowing the behaviour of your visitors in order to apply those changes to your running campaigns. You can filter the non-performing keypharses and make further enhancements in the already good performing keyphrases.

If you follow these guidelines for creating your Google AdWords campaign, you can quickly attract new visitors to your web site or affiliate program and generate instant sales.

About the Author: IT Global Solution a pay per click management service significantly improves your return-on-investment from Overture, Google and other PPC engines by reducing costs, increasing traffic, and saving your precious hours of management time. For more information visit Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company